I try to automate things where I can. And if I can't automate fully, I like to at least standardize part of the process. GitHub issue templates are really useful for this. Here's an example of how I use them for publishing my Laravel newsletter. #laravel #php https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-11-use-github-issue-templates-to-save-time
Love #Tinkerwell for those that have used it you’ll know why. But… sadly, I find the direction it is going in for my uses is not a good fit. Too many features, and AI… ick. Yeah I know, just don’t use those.
There is also 3v4l Integration from JetBrains, but I can’t help think… why?
I have several PHP versions running locally, why can’t I run test code locally? In VisualCode I used to do this a lot. Perhaps time to just go back to Tinker in my #laravel projects?
Today's tip is more of a thought experiment: What if every Composer package had a fee? Would it change how many packages you pull into your projects? #laravel #php https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-08-what-if-every-composer-package-had-a-fee
I am looking for a 2nd talk covering #Laravel at the next @phpugmrn meetup on the 26th of Oct in Mannheim, Germany. Any takers?
The first talk scheduled is an entry-level talk. Having a more advanced Laravel topic as 2nd talk would be cool. Thx #php #phpc #phpugmrn #rheinneckarrocks
#laravel #php #phpc #phpugmrn #rheinneckarrocks
In the last 12 months on Securing Laravel, I have published:
- The OWASP Top 10 Series
- Security Audits Top 10 Series
- 33 Security Tips
- 11 In Depth Articles
- “Th1nk Lik3 a H4cker” walkthrough
Wow, it's been a busy year! 😲
#PHP #Laravel
Developers spend a large part of their day inside an editor. For a full-featured editor like PHPStorm, there may be some useful features you've never noticed. We discuss a few of those. #laravel #php
If Video tutorials are your thing, and you want to learn a bit more about #Nginx and #phpfpm, fideloper has posted a few new videos over on YouTube. His latest is “How Nginx and PHP-FPM turn a web request into code”
Discussions on Reddit #Laravel subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/laravel/comments/16bslee/a_bit_about_how_http_gets_turned_into_php_using/
PHPStorm allows you to override the file type, giving you different syntax highlighting and auto-complete prompts. #laravel #php https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-07-how-to-override-phpstorm-file-types
When might you render a Blade template inline? This isn't a feature I reach for a lot, but it's good to know it exists. Here is one use case where we found it quite handy. #laravel #php https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-06-when-might-you-render-a-blade-template-inline
Release day! 🚀
Laravel v10.22.0
Breeze v1.23.2
Cashier Stripe v14.12.5
Dusk v7.10.0
Fortify v1.17.6
Horizon v5.20.0
Pennant v1.5.0
Pint v1.13.0
Precognition v0.5.1
Sail v1.24.1
Scout v10.3.0
Socialite v5.9.0
Valet v4.3.0
Volt v1.3.0
Enjoy! ✨
Fixing bugs is important, but by taking just a little more time you can make your app much more resilient. #laravel #php https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-05-how-to-make-a-bug-fix-way-more-valuable
Don’t explicitly install dependencies if you don’t need to. #Laravel https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-04-dont-explicitly-install-dependencies
/ #software / #tutorial
🔍 #Laravel
🐱🔗 #catlink
#software #tutorial #laravel #catlink #softwaretutorial
/ #software / #tutorial
🔍 #Laravel
🐱🔗 #catlink
#software #tutorial #laravel #catlink #softwaretutorial
#qiita #PHP #JavaScript #Laravel #Vue_js #ChatGPT
#qiita #php #javascript #laravel #vue_js #chatgpt
@pixelfed Let me use it on my #AlterVista #PHP / #MySQL #SharedHosting #LaraVista #Laravel
#altervista #php #mysql #sharedhosting #laravista #laravel
One of the most satisfying things for me is tidying up a bit of code. Each time I work on a feature, I like to look for opportunities to make things just a little bit nicer than I found them. #laravel #php https://masteringlaravel.io/daily/2023-09-01-take-time-to-make-things-better