Calling all #LaravelPHP developers looking for a new challenging role in #OpenBanking working for a genuine #TechForGood company. Wonderful Payments are hiring!
Our cloud-based platform uses #AmazonAWS #OAuth #OpenSearch #Cloudflare #OpenAPI #PHP #MySQL #Redis and more. We use all the tools in the #Laravel toolbox to build robust and scalable systems, and we have big plans for 2023.
We are hiring at all levels, get in touch for more information.
#laravelphp #openbanking #techforgood #amazonaws #oauth #opensearch #cloudflare #openapi #php #mysql #redis #laravel
As another year draws to a close I look back and see a huge amount of technical progress at Wonderful since I joined in February.
We now have a highly cohesive internal tech team, working using #AgileDevelopment processes. Wonderful has stronger ties than most office-based teams I have worked with, yet we are 100% #RemoteWorking.
In 2023 we will be looking for more tech hires to expand our #OpenBanking platform. If you have #LaravelPHP development experience and are based in the UK,...
#agiledevelopment #remoteworking #openbanking #laravelphp
We have released 🚀 our #saas Domains Book today
It’s a soft launch 🚀 so if you noticed any issue let me know
It was built using #vuejs #laravelphp #inertiajs and payment is supported via Paddle ..
Your boost is appreciated 🙏
#saas #vuejs #laravelphp #InertiaJS
I don't maintain any web frameworks anymore, but if I did this is what I'd be focusing on to help API developers make quality, modern APIs. #APIDesign #APIDevelopment #rails #laravelphp #golang
#apidesign #APIDevelopment #rails #laravelphp #golang