May the #LardGobAlrighty have mercy as he smilingly casts your immortal soul into the stew of #sinners we all call... #InfernalTarnation.
Now get to sizzlin'!
#lardgobalrighty #sinners #infernaltarnation
May the #LardGobAlrighty have mercy on your #soul as it sizzles and pops with the other souls in #InfernalTarnation!
#lardgobalrighty #soul #infernaltarnation
Please, #LardGobAlrighty, command people to understand that we flawed creatures are about as likely to be reasoned out of our parent-provided #bigotry as we are our #ReligiousIndoctrination. #BraiseHisName.
#lardgobalrighty #bigotry #religiousindoctrination #braisehisname