¿what if I told you? the Illuminati does not know Psalm 139:11 precisely because; true to Form: they have Behaved as Greeks Behave when in Rome: in other words they Let their Detectives play with FlashLights only to Taunt the very Same_Missing_Children they are Supposedly looking for as their Cohorts Wage a War on Drugs:
#treason #korrupt #laredesded #truthful_exactitudes #false_prophets #socialism_now
¿what if I told you? Cancel_Culture_Slavery could Exist if you would just Free my Non_Violent_Offenders and enslave them along the Byways and Highways planting Bulbs, and then, when you are done with your War they may move along to the Next_Chore:
#confederate #treason #1st_amendment_is_ded #laredesded #silsile #justice
Already we threw the Government's_Thug to the Ground:
Now on to the Holiest of Evils:
#jiu_jitsu #pestilence #ded #laredesded #extinction_angle_cero
¿what if I told you? No_Spitting, No_Dumping, No_Fighting = No_Deaths
"you're not my Poto, you're my Brother"
#basta_ya #your_1st_amendment_es_ded #laredesded #cero #exactitude #labelz_r_4_corpses