Dissolving the States would allow for interesting and varied cultures to emerge; and that reflect what residents appreciate rather than that of a State that is easily corrupted by a few from the likes of the (a highly active /lobby group for moguls in Australia).

The big risk of going local is from that may seek to use their wealth to overwhelm Local Governments, but…


#architecture #housing #local #politicalDonations #PropertyCouncil #superpac #realestate #largecorporations

Last updated 1 year ago

Rob Tischer · @robonecon
59 followers · 508 posts · Server mstdn.social

Hmmm, first the family and now . It's almost like the interests of the and are aligned. How can that be with ? axios.com/2022/11/15/walmart-o

#captalism #freemarket #largecorporations #morbidlywealthy #walmart #sackler

Last updated 2 years ago