Deactivated my birdsite account. Doubt many will notice! I am enjoying the current comparitive sanity of Mastodon and will pay it more attention. I make #music and I hope this site allows music to flow. Check out the work at #poetry #guitars #songs #greekmyth #ameliaearheart #larrybeckett #TimBuckley #Nickdrake #mastodon
#music #poetry #guitars #songs #greekmyth #ameliaearheart #larrybeckett #TimBuckley #Nickdrake #mastodon
Deactivated my birdsite account. Doubt many will notice! I am enjoying the current comparitive sanity of Mastodon and will pay it more attention. I make #music and I hope this site allows music to flow. Check out the work at #poetry #guitars #songs #greekmyth #ameliaearheart #larrybeckett #TimBuckley #Nickdrake #mastodon
#music #poetry #guitars #songs #greekmyth #ameliaearheart #larrybeckett #TimBuckley #Nickdrake #mastodon
Made it to the Mastodon shore. I am a songwriter working with Larry Beckett - American poet, and lyricist to Tim Buckley. We have released 3 albums since 2015, one with the Long Lost Band, and we are working on the fourth. Music is my first love. I dig my Guild Guitars! Look me up on bandcamp #acoustic #bandcamp #newmusic #poetry #timbuckley #nickdrake #larrybeckett #12string #albums #music #ginsberg #kerouac #beats #singersongwriter #recording
#acoustic #bandcamp #newmusic #poetry #TimBuckley #Nickdrake #larrybeckett #12string #albums #music #ginsberg #Kerouac #beats #singersongwriter #recording