The best part of the Seinfeld fandom is the PepperPublisher shippers who just want to see Tom Pepper and Mr. Lippman cuddle. #Seinfeld #TomPepper #LarryHankin #Lippman #RichardFancy
#seinfeld #tompepper #larryhankin #lippman #richardfancy
Thinking about Cynthia and Old Joe from Breaking Bad making out is giving us some of the feels! #BreakingBad #AshleyKajiki #Cynthia #LosPollosHermanos #OldJoe #LarryHankin
#breakingbad #ashleykajiki #cynthia #lospolloshermanos #oldjoe #larryhankin
We all posilutely stan Old Joe and Louis Corbett from Breaking Bad. #BreakingBad #OldJoe #LarryHankin #CalebJones #LouisCorbett
#breakingbad #oldjoe #larryhankin #calebjones #louiscorbett