#SARS #CovidIsNotOver #Corona #Covid19 #LongCovid #LarryKramer
Larry Kramer: He's voicing what I feel nowadays, because we're at exactly the same point.
There is no cure and there will be no cure for the damage that the virus does in the 500 to 700 days until it is cleared. That's what we call "long covid" (10% chance per infection). Multiply that by every infection you get.
#larrykramer #LongCovid #COVID19 #Corona #CovidIsNotOver #sars
This was a rage that led to action, not a performative "I'm going to post something on the internet" rage.
We need that kind of anger.
(gift link, no paywall)
Our Beloved #GlendaJackson as Goudren, in brilliant #KenRussell 's WOMEN IN LOVE, based on the play by foundational genius #DHLawrence , screenplay by pioneer #LarryKramer .
One of the greatest scenes in film history.
#glendajackson #kenrussell #DHLawrence #larrykramer
DONAHUE: "Gay High School" - 6/10/1985, Syndicated
Today in 1985 on this popular daytime talk show, Steve Shlomo Ashkinazy of the Institute for the Protection of Lesbian and Gay Youth (now the Hetrick-Martin Institute), playwright/activist Larry Kramer, and others discussed New York City's newly opened Harvey Milk High School, a small school created for kids who had dropped out of other schools due to homophobic violence or harassment.
#QueerYouth #LGBTQYouth #television #TalkShows #education #PhilDonahue #LarryKramer
#queeryouth #lgbtqyouth #television #talkshows #education #phildonahue #larrykramer
Today in LGBTQ May 27, 2020: Author and LGBTQ rights activist, Larry Kramer, died. He wrote the screenplay for the film Women in Love, (1969) and a novel called Faggots (1978), which was denounced within the gay community for its portrayal of shallow, promiscuous sex in the 1970s. However, he is probably most remembered for founding the Gay Men’s Health Crisis (1980), which became the world’s largest private organization assisting people with AIDS. And then cofounding the AIDS activist organization ACT UP (1987).
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #lgbtq #writer #author #fictin #books #LarryKramer #ActUp #aids @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #lgbtq #writer #author #fictin #books #larrykramer #ACTUP #aids
Ex-Stanford dean says SBF’s parents helped his family battle cancer - One of the previously undisclosed guarantors of Sam Bankman-Fried... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/ex-stanford-dean-says-sbf-s-parents-helped-his-family-battle-cancer #stanforduniversity #stanfordlawschool #alamedaresearch #andreaspaepcke #barbarafried #larrykramer #tiffanyfong #lewiskaplan #joebankman #guarantor #scientist #professor #$250m #bond #sbf
#sbf #bond #professor #scientist #guarantor #joebankman #lewiskaplan #tiffanyfong #larrykramer #barbarafried #andreaspaepcke #alamedaresearch #stanfordlawschool #stanforduniversity
Posted the wrong version of this yesterday:
"United and Visible", November 2022
Model: Kyle Patrick
#uequalsu #lgbtqia+ #loveislove #holocaust #actup #harveymilk #larrykramer
#uequalsu #lgbtqia #loveislove #holocaust #actup #harveymilk #larrykramer
“Being gay is a natural normal beautiful variation on being human. Period. End of subject. Therefore, any argument which says differently is an immoral supremacist one. Call it out as such ... Be outraged, offended, angry and intolerant of any discussion or any one who describes you as unequal, undeserving or unnatural for being just as you are.” - Larry Kramer
#silenceequalsdeath #worldaidsday #larrykramer #actup #hiv #gay #equalrights
May 28, 2020
Death w/o Silence #ThankYouLarry honoring #LarryKramer for his work to #ACTUPFightBackEndAIDS -- Plus, join #WeAreOutLoud for Pride benefits all month & more global #LGBTQ news in this wk's #GAYography brief:
#thankyoularry #larrykramer #actupfightbackendaids #weareoutloud #lgbtq #gayography