#Trump & top aides, including fmr snr WH ofcls #LarryKudlow & #BrookeRollins, as well as outside advisers #StephenMoore & fmr House speaker #NewtGingrich, spent the dinner discussing how Trump could attack President #Biden in the 2024 election on the #economy, amid a recent spate of positive #economic news that has buoyed Biden’s fortunes….
Among the ideas they discussed was Trump’s plan to enact a “universal baseline tariff” on virtually all #imports to the #UnitedStates….
#trump #larrykudlow #brookerollins #stephenmoore #newtgingrich #biden #economy #economic #imports #unitedstates
‘Our Country Is Going to Hell’ — Trump Warns of US Losing Global Currency Dominance - The 45th president and previous White House occupant, Donald Trump cautions that A... - https://news.bitcoin.com/our-country-is-going-to-hell-trump-warns-of-us-losing-global-currency-dominance/ #thirdworldcomparison #countryhelltrump #globaldominance #administration #infrastructure #investigations #2024election #unitedstates #donaldtrump #energycosts #foxbusiness #larrykudlow #whitehouse #economics #u.s.
#u #economics #whitehouse #larrykudlow #foxbusiness #energycosts #donaldtrump #unitedstates #2024election #investigations #infrastructure #administration #globaldominance #countryhelltrump #thirdworldcomparison
Kudlow Warns Biden Will Only Allow ‘Plant-Based Beer’
Larry Kudlow, Donald Trump’s former top economic adviser, railed on Fox News that President Biden is plotting to force Americans to drink “plant-based beer.”
Larry Kudlow has been drinking too much plant-based beer.
#TrumpAppointees #LarryKudlow #RWNJ #RWLiars
#rwliars #rwnj #larrykudlow #trumpappointees
Kotaku: The Last Of Us Makes For Good TV, But It’s A Tough Watch After A Real Pandemic https://kotaku.com/the-last-of-us-hbo-covid-19-pedro-pascal-craig-mazin-lo-1850002516 #gaming #tech #kotaku #fear28oftheunknown29 #pedropascal #larrykudlow #craigmazin #ps3 #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #fear28oftheunknown29 #pedropascal #larrykudlow #craigmazin #ps3 #hbo
#Fox Business host #LarryKudlow is not happy with #Senate #Republican leadership
#fox #larrykudlow #senate #republican
In the latest news from #Uhmerica, a former economical adviser of the #formerguy going by the name of #LarryKudlow claims that #Biden's #NewGreenDeal will lead to Americans being forced to drink - wait for it - plant-based beer.
The sheer horror. No freedom-loving and self-respecting patriot will ever drink plant-based beer. What do those sick libtards think they're doing?
Only in the #UnitedStates. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/larry-kudlow-plant-based-beer-joe-biden_n_6084b41ae4b0ccb91c24f815
#Uhmerica #FormerGuy #larrykudlow #biden #newgreendeal #unitedstates
米「恫喝外交」助長の懸念: 日本経済新聞 https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO28501600T20C18A3EA1000/
#トランプ政権 の外交要人は強硬派が揃った形になるか。特に #中国 との摩擦が懸念。
#トランプ大統領 #JohnBolton #LarryKudlow #MikePompeo #McMaster #Trump #Tillerson #PresidentTrump #Bolton #BoltonMeansThatBushIsBack
#トランプ政権 #中国 #トランプ大統領 #johnbolton #larrykudlow #mikepompeo #mcmaster #trump #tillerson #presidenttrump #bolton #boltonmeansthatbushisback