#ForeverKnight 34 (1995) - 9/10
1️⃣ Guest stars: #AmandaTapping (#StargateSG1) & #JulieStewart (#ColdSquad).
2️⃣ Good story, smart script by #PhilBedard & #LarryLalonde.
3️⃣ Scientists are experimenting with near death experiences, which leads the regular characters to ponder some profound matters.
4️⃣ Of course, it causes Nick to rethink his own personal choices. And we get to see his origin.
5️⃣ Can’t think of any other FK episodes with so much filming done outside during the day. In a desert, too!
#foreverknight #amandatapping #stargatesg1 #juliestewart #coldsquad #philbedard #larrylalonde