Stan Lee und Jack Kirby waren nicht aufzuhalten und stellten im August 1962 in ihrem Comic JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY # 83 eine neue Figur vor, die von der nordischen Mythologie inspiriert war: THOR, DER GOTT DES DONNERS.
#Thor #StanLee #JackKirby #JoeSinnott #Hachette #MarvelOrigins #LarryLieber #FrancescaSalvatori #AlHartley #AlexanderRΓΆsch #gottdesdonners
#gottdesdonners #alexanderrosch #alhartley #francescasalvatori #larrylieber #marvelorigins #hachette #JoeSINNOTT #jackkirby #stanlee #thor
60 yrs ago
Tales of Suspense 39 (March 1963)
introduced #IronMan
created by
editor & plotter #StanLee
Leeβs bro scripter #LarryLieber
artists #DonHeck & #JackKirby. He starred in 13-18-pg advs
with the rest of the Tales
devoted to typical sci-fi /fantasy.
#Marvel #comics
#ironman #stanlee #larrylieber #donheck #jackkirby #marvel #comics
60 yrs ago
Tales of Suspense 39 (March 1963)
street date 10 Dec 1962
introduced #IronMan
created by
editor & plotter #StanLee
Leeβs bro scripter #LarryLieber
artists #DonHeck & #JackKirby.
He starred in 13-18-pg advs
with the rest of the Tales
devoted to typical sci-fi /fantasy.
#Marvel #comics
#ironman #stanlee #larrylieber #donheck #jackkirby #marvel #comics