»Sześć lat temu zmarł Jerry Pournelle«
8 września 2017 roku w wieku 84 lat zmarł Jerry Eugene Pournelle - amerykański naukowiec, dziennikarz, pisarz science fiction i jeden z pierwszych blogerów.
#Fahrenheit_zin #LarryNiven #SMStirling #JerryPournelle #StevenBarnes
#fahrenheit_zin #larryniven #smstirling #jerrypournelle #stevenbarnes
Found an interesting talk on science fiction and how it might help with the meaning crisis. I focused on the last portion because it felt relevant to me in particular. Maybe some others can identify.
#Books, #Culture, #Science, #ChinaMieville, #DamienWalters, #Fantasy, #Futurism, #HardScienceFiction, #HugoAwards, #IsaacArthur, #JeffVandermeer, #JohnCWright, #JohnVervaeke, #LarryNiven, #Mythology, #NKJemisin, #SciFi, #Science, #sciencefiction #SF
#books #culture #science #chinamieville #damienwalters #fantasy #futurism #hardsciencefiction #hugoawards #isaacarthur #jeffvandermeer #johncwright #johnvervaeke #larryniven #mythology #nkjemisin #scifi #sciencefiction #sf
@Nuggz I’m a fan of #LarryNiven’s #KnownSpace universe. Its depiction of “#organlegging” was *not* supposed to be an instruction manual
#larryniven #knownspace #organlegging
#SciFi #ScienceFiction #books #bookstodon #LarryNiven
Today is Larry Niven's Birthday
Laurence van Cott Niven (April 30, 1938) is an American science fiction writer. His novel Ringworld won the Hugo, Locus, Ditmar, and Nebula awards.
I have a special collector's editions of "The Mote in God's Eye" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle for sale here:
or see the full collection here:
#scifi #sciencefiction #books #bookstodon #larryniven
Why I'm always out of sync with other sci fi fans: Lots and lots of books.
#ArthurClarke, #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce, #HalClement, #IsaacAsimov, #JerryPournelle, #LarryNiven, #RobertHeinlein, #SciFi, #ScienceFiction, #SF, #Star Trek, #TheDaniels, #TheExpanse, #ThePeripheral, #TheodoreSturgeon, #WilliamGibson
#arthurclarke #everythingeverywhereallatonce #halclement #isaacasimov #jerrypournelle #larryniven #robertheinlein #scifi #sciencefiction #sf #star #thedaniels #theexpanse #theperipheral #theodoresturgeon #williamgibson
Found this today. #ScienceFiction #sff #scifi #LarryNiven #KnownSpace
#sciencefiction #sff #scifi #larryniven #knownspace
Boringly obvious of course, one of the best #SciFi writers ever so I assume that you all have this series on your shelf.
For those who missed it however; in this universe humans and other races interact and nobody trusts anyone of course. A megastructure is discovered (a #DysonRing, take all the matter in a solar system and wrap it around the sun in a strip) and representatives of three races attempt to understand and interact with it.
Hell of a sandbox! I think you'll like it!
I'm reading #LegacyOfHeorot by #LarryNiven, #JerryPournelle, and #StevenBarnes.
No spoilers please. (I'm enjoying the mystery do far!)
I'd like to learn more about the authors' collaboration and how it worked. Who did what? What was their writing and editing process? Any leads?
#legacyofheorot #larryniven #jerrypournelle #stevenbarnes #sf #scifi #sciencefiction #books #bookstodon
Neutron Star is a 1968 short story collection which contains some of Larry Niven’s earliest Known Space Stories.
A good introduction to the Known Space tales. There’s a strong hard SF element, there are touches of humour and there’s danger and adventure.
Old-fashioned high-concept hard SF but with plenty of characteristic Larry Niven touches. Great stuff.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2019/09/larry-nivens-neutron-star.html
#hardSF #sciencefiction #scifi #LarryNiven #KnownSpace #vintagescifi #retroscifi
#hardsf #sciencefiction #scifi #larryniven #knownspace #vintagescifi #retroscifi
A Gift from Earth, an early (1968) Larry Niven Known Space novel. He's thought of as hard SF but in this case he's also interested in the social and political implications of technology. This is also a dystopian novel of sorts.
Interesting as an SF novel in which faster-than-light travel is impossible. The setting is bizarre- a plateau 40 miles above the surface of an otherwise uninhabitable planet.
My review: https://vintagepopfictions.blogspot.com/2019/05/larry-nivens-gift-from-earth.html
#larryniven #knownspace #scifi #sciencefiction #sf #hardsf
Okay folks, help me out! See the bracket below? We are voting for the upper right four options.
You can access the poll by clicking my profile and then the pinned toot. Or you can access it via this link (if you're already on Mastodon.Social): https://mastodon.social/@tuckerteague/109462626719773768
#ZonesOfThought by #VernorVinge
#KnownSpace (includ. #ManKzinWars) by #LarryNiven
#zonesofthought #vernorvinge #honorverse #davidweber #foundation #isaacasimov #KnownSpace #mankzinwars #larryniven #spaceopera #sciencefiction #scifi
Time now for the THIRD #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera series #poll
Poll One: https://mastodon.social/@tuckerteague/109379340476225064
Poll Two: https://mastodon.social/@tuckerteague/109419498380717272
#ZonesOfThought by #VernorVinge
#KnownSpace (includ. #ManKzinWars) by #LarryNiven
Add your comments too!
#sciencefiction #spaceopera #poll #zonesofthought #vernorvinge #honorverse #davidweber #foundation #isaacasimov #KnownSpace #mankzinwars #larryniven
@Climate_guy "Think of it as evolution in action - #LarryNiven All The Myriad Ways
#LarryNiven & #JerryPournelle
Ok, mostly old and dead, but I like what I like 🤓
#jrrtolkien #StephenDonaldson #BrianAldiss #frankherbert #larryniven #JerryPournelle #isaacasimov #raybradbury #ErnestCline
#bookstodon and here are seven of my favourite authors.
#bookstodon #terrypratchett #DavidEddings #TerryBrooks #annemccaffrey #piersanthony #alaistairreynolds #larryniven
Who are 5-7 of your favourite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #Bookstodon
Some of mine:
#bookstodon #tolkien #isaacasimov #nealstephenson #andrewfrench #katherinekurtz #armisteadmaupin #larryniven
#guitar teacher since 1986. #musician
Lots of #bands you've never heard of, but some of my #guitar students you may have.
My #recording #daw of choice is #reaper #reaperdaw , that I've used since it's inception.
I have many #guitars and #amplifier s, the top of my quiver being a custom #Suhr and an early 70s 50 watt Marshall JMP.
My musical preferences varies from #pinkfloyd #allanholdsworth #Coltrane #Bach #70sRock #easylistening #ELO #Soundgarden #kingsx #Queen
#Carpenters #JimiHendrix #VanHalen #Vangelis #Albinone #Vivaldi #Debussy #STP #cocteautwins #Beatles #PaulMcCartney #PeterFrampton #JeffBeck #LedZeppelin #Rush #BillFrisell #BrianBladeFellowship #JeffBuckley #FionaApple #kdlang #BradMehldau #Bacharach #ThePolice #manyothers
The best sounding #surfsound is at #MyrtleBeach S. C..
I have been a big #Formula1 fan since the early 90s. Pro #LewisHamilton ftw, or #ChecoPerez, #LandoNorris, #McLaren. I drive a stick 2014 #Subaru #BRZ #FRS aka the best daily driver created.
Post-political, old-school left biased. I will not accede to any political party unless the platform is to ban lobbying and PACs; nothing ever changes until that happens. I am as jaded as it gets in politics, and you should be, too.
Staunchly pro #vaccination #vaccines #masks . I took preventative anti- #covid measures early January 2020. "This" could have been prevented, and is worse because of political pressure confirmation bias. #longcovid is real, and it's.... aggravating that 19th century anti-science propaganda flourishes in the 21st century.
Non-Kennedy #StarWars #StarTrek #BattlestarGalactica #2001:aSpaceOdyssey old school hard #scifi #LarryNiven #ArthurCClarke #Simak #FrankHerbert #Pournelle #Saberhagan #Asimov #FrederickPohl #HarlanEllison #Aldiss #StanislawLem #DamonKnight #DouglasAdams #JohnVarley #BenBova #PoulAnderson et al.
.... and Mastodon's character limit is this long? Hmmm.
#Photography I like to make intentionally blurry photos with #pinhole lenses, less blurry with my favorite luxury item my #Canon 70-200 F/2.8IS ii.
I reside in #NorthAugusta #SouthCarolina , which borders #Augusta #Georgia on the #SavannahRiver.
My wife is a #nuclear scientist at the #DepartmentofEnergy #DOE #SavannahRiverSite , I give #guitarlessons online via #Facetime , #Skype or #Zoom since the #pandemic (and have since closed my brick and mortar office of > 12 years). We have a super smart movie-dog cute #Goberian , but #GermanSheperds are wonderful.
Time to restring guitars, hope this works and doesn't inadvertently violate some arcane rule...?
#guitar #musician #bands #recording #daw #reaper #reaperdaw #guitars #amplifier #suhr #pinkfloyd #allanholdsworth #coltrane #bach #70sRock #easylistening #elo #soundgarden #kingsx #queen #carpenters #jimihendrix #vanhalen #vangelis #albinone #vivaldi #debussy #stp #cocteautwins #beatles #paulmccartney #peterframpton #jeffbeck #ledzeppelin #rush #billfrisell #brianbladefellowship #jeffbuckley #fionaapple #kdlang #bradmehldau #bacharach #thepolice #manyothers #surfsound #myrtlebeach #formula1 #lewishamilton #checoperez #landonorris #mclaren #subaru #brz #FRS #vaccination #vaccines #masks #covid #LongCovid #starwars #startrek #battlestargalactica #scifi #larryniven #arthurcclarke #simak #frankherbert #pournelle #saberhagan #asimov #frederickpohl #harlanellison #aldiss #stanislawlem #damonknight #douglasadams #johnvarley #BenBova #poulanderson #photography #pinhole #canon #northaugusta #southcarolina #augusta #georgia #savannahriver #nuclear #departmentofenergy #doe #savannahriversite #guitarlessons #facetime #skype #zoom #pandemic #goberian #germansheperds