Buon compleanno Google! 25 anni: dal dormitorio alla vetta del mondo IT
Lunedì il motore di ricerca più famoso al mondo, #Google, festeggia il suo 25° anniversario. Google è stato creato come #progetto scientifico da #LarryPage e #SergeyBrin quando erano studenti laureati alla #Stanford #University alla fine degli anni ’90.
Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#google #progetto #larrypage #sergeybrin #stanford #university #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
25 Jahre Google: Vom Startup zum Suchmaschinen-Giganten
Am 4. September 1998 haben die Studenten Larry Page und Sergey Brin die Firma gegründet, die sie später zu Milliardären machen sollte.
Natürlich gab es auch schon vor Google Suchmaschinen. Neben Altavista und Yahoo tumm
#News #Tellerrand #25Jahre #Alphabet #Gigant #Google #Innovation #LarryPage #SergeyBrin #Startup #Suchmaschine #Werbung
#News #tellerrand #25jahre #alphabet #gigant #google #innovation #larrypage #sergeybrin #startup #suchmaschine #werbung
The world’s most popular search engine started as a research project by #LarryPage and #SergeyBrin when they were both doctoral students at #StanfordUniversity in the late 1990s.
Working from their dorm rooms, the two developed a new algorithm for #SearchEngines that ranked #websites based on the number of other websites that linked to them, which they called #PageRank.
#Google turns 25: A look at the world’s top performing searches | Technology News | Al Jazeera
#google #PageRank #websites #searchengines #stanforduniversity #sergeybrin #larrypage
#ShoshanaZuboff on #SurveillanceCapitalism via #LarryPage at #google.
#shoshanazuboff #surveillancecapitalism #larrypage #Google
In 1521 Jacob Fugger founded a social housing project and foundation that withstood all challenges of time. More than 500 years of housing for the poor for less than 1€ PER YEAR for a 1 bed room apartment in the heart of a major German city ... #elonmusk #billgatesfoundation #jeffbezos#bernardarnault #WarrenBuffett #larryellison #steveballmer #SergeyBrin #larrypage ...
#elonmusk #billgatesfoundation #jeffbezos #WarrenBuffett #larryellison #steveballmer #SergeyBrin #larrypage
Dream of flying cars
Kittyhawk gone, but memories
Still linger in sky
#kittyhawk #flyingcars #larrypage #google #haiku #poetry
A dream of flying cars
Larry Page's ambition crashed
A forgotten dream
#kittyhawk #google #flyingcars #larrypage #haiku #poetry
CEO do Google enfrenta críticas à medida que a guerra da IA esquenta
#SergeyBrin #LarryPage #Google #Empresas #Alphabet #ForbesTech
#sergeybrin #larrypage #google #empresas #alphabet #forbestech
“Forever Young”: Das #ManagerMagazin schreibt in der aktuellen Ausgabe über sympathische Superreiche wie #JeffBezos, #MarkZuckerberg und #LarryPage sowie andere Wagniskapitalgeber, die mit milliardenschweren Investitionen daran arbeiten, den Traum vom “ewigen Leben” Realität werden zu lassen – mit zum Teil schon jetzt aufsehenerregenden Forschungsergebnissen (an Fadenwürmern).
#managermagazin #jeffbezos #markzuckerberg #larrypage
RT @Anagram4649
The death penalty is only moral for billionaires.
@elonmusk @JeffBezos #bernardarnault #WarrenBuffett #LarryPage @MikeBloomberg @larryellison #MarkZuckerberg #JimWalton #AliceWalton #RobWalton @CharlesGKoch #ElonMuskTwitter #JeffBezos #BillGates
#bernardarnault #warrenbuffett #larrypage #markzuckerberg #jimwalton #alicewalton #robwalton #elonmusktwitter #jeffbezos #billgates
Furcht vor #ChatGPT: #Google holt #LarryPage und #SergeyBrin zurück
#sergeybrin #larrypage #google #chatgpt
Fearing ChatGPT, Google enlists founders Brin and Page in AI fight - Enlarge / An illustration of a chatbot exploding onto the scene, being ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1911995 #largelanguagemodel #machinelearning #sergeybrin #larrypage #microsoft #aiethics #chatgpt #biz #google #openai #gpt-3 #lamda #ai
#ai #LamDA #gpt #openai #google #biz #chatgpt #aiethics #microsoft #larrypage #sergeybrin #machinelearning #largelanguagemodel
Ars Technica: Fearing ChatGPT, Google enlists founders Brin and Page in AI fight https://arstechnica.com/?p=1911995 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #largelanguagemodel #machinelearning #sergeybrin #larrypage #microsoft #AIethics #ChatGPT #Biz&IT #google #openai #GPT-3 #lamda #AI
#google #openai #gpt #lamda #ai #Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #largelanguagemodel #machinelearning #sergeybrin #larrypage #microsoft #aiethics #chatgpt #biz
Founders quietly return
To help Google with A.I. fight
New projects now begin
#google #ai #larrypage #sergeybrin #haiku #poetry
#sergeybrin #haiku #poetry #google #ai #larrypage
Brin & Page's lifestyle: Gossipy article about how the Google founders live with their billions of dollars
#billionaire #sergeybrin #larrypage #lifestyle #google #jetset #money #+
#billionaire #sergeybrin #larrypage #lifestyle #google #jetset #money
Als Chef ist die Personalauswahl die Aufgabe, für die ich bezahlt werde. Ganz klar: Personal ist absolute Chefsache! - auch #LarryPage
„Wir sind aktuell 61.000 Mitarbeiter. Wenn es auch nur einem B-Mitarbeiter gelingen würde, in unser Unternehmen einzudringen, dann hätten wir uns einen Virus eingefangen, der nur ganz schwer wieder zu entfernen ist.“ #LarryPage