I love how an entire community came together and played into Lars's fantasy world. How Bianca became a real person in their eyes and they truly came to love her as their extension of their love for Lars.
This is such a beautiful, funny, damn good movie. #LarsAndTheRealGirl
However, in #AllTheRealGirls Paul Schneider's love interest was played by Zooey and not a sex doll. #LarsAndTheRealGirl
#alltherealgirls #larsandtherealgirl
I like how Paul Schneider is in #LarsAndTheRealGirl when he also starred (alongside the ever beautiful Zooey Deschanel) in a movie called #AllTheRealGirls.
#larsandtherealgirl #alltherealgirls
I forgot how ridiculously good this movie is. Funny. Lighthearted. Absurd. #LarsAndTheRealGirl
#NowWatching #LarsAndTheRealGirl because my #internet is down due to the #TexasStorms we had last night and I recently purchased the #DVD at the #DollarTree the other week. I was gonna watch #Horror movies, but a quirky romance is also fun.
#nowwatching #larsandtherealgirl #internet #texasstorms #dvd #dollartree #horror
Kotaku: GameStop Meme Stock Movie Dumb Money Out Later This Year https://kotaku.com/gamestop-meme-stock-movie-seth-rogen-pete-davidson-1850219421 #gaming #tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #bringingdownthehouse #craiggillespielars #larsandtherealgirl #thesocialnetwork #internettrolling #shailenewoodley #internetmemes #internetmeme #worldwideweb #digitalmedia #petedavidson #nickofferman #benmezrich #sethrogen #gamestop #websites #pauldano #vincent #reddit #4chan #david #meme #sony #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #entertainment2cculture #bringingdownthehouse #craiggillespielars #larsandtherealgirl #thesocialnetwork #internettrolling #shailenewoodley #internetmemes #internetmeme #worldwideweb #DigitalMedia #petedavidson #nickofferman #benmezrich #sethrogen #gamestop #websites #pauldano #vincent #reddit #4chan #david #meme #sony #hbo
I recommend watching them in their original languages with subtitles. It just fit better. Also #Fringe 1st 3 seasons especially, is one I want to revisit as well.
And if #DoctorWho isn't your thing you still might enjoy #Torchwood
And maybe a string of good #movies like #FutureFolk
#JeffWhoLivesAtHome or #LarsAndTheRealGirl would hit the spot
#dark #parallels #fringe #doctorwho #torchwood #movies #futurefolk #safetynotguaranteed #primer #jeffwholivesathome #larsandtherealgirl
Review Recollection: 'Lars and the Real Girl' (2007) http://hub.me/am5Hi Pretty sure this is the film that made me love Ryan Gosling as an actor. Over a decade after its release, Lars and the Real Girl is still way better than it has any right to be. #LarsandtheRealGirl #moviereview #ReviewRecollection #RyanGosling #EmilyMortimer #PaulSchneider #CraigGillespie #comedy #drama #Movies #DVD #Bluray #Streaming #MGM
#larsandtherealgirl #moviereview #reviewrecollection #ryangosling #emilymortimer #paulschneider #craiggillespie #comedy #drama #movies #dvd #bluray #streaming #mgm