Here's my reply to the statement of #LarsvonTrier, that "Russian lives matter also".
Yo, Lars: You should tell this to #Putin, #Shoigu, #Gerasimov and other wankers.
If Russians do not enter #Ukraine as part of an #invasion force, they are pretty safe (apart from the lowly life expectancy and rampant crime in #Russia, that is) and their lives are not at risk.
You know, invading other countries comes at a price.
Sorry to say so: Von Trier is an utter idiot.
#larsvontrier #putin #shoigu #gerasimov #ukraine #invasion #russia
@europesays lmao, how very on brand for Lars. If you asked me to pick 1 #eurocine film director not named Bregovic who would put out an edgelord rUsSIaN liVeS MAtTeR statement, #larsvontrier would be my first answer, no notes.
Both Lars Von Trier and the Jackass movies honor Chekhov's pistol in that, if our hero encounter a human size container of poo, the viewer knows what's going to happen.
#movies #larsvontrier #jackass #chekhovsgun
#chekhovsgun #jackass #larsvontrier #movies
»Kingdom Hospital« / »Riget« (»Geister« o. »Hospital der Geister«) by Lars von Trier (1994,1997) has been finished in 2022 by a third season »Riget: Exodus«; #LarsVonTrier
"The Kingdom Exodus" opens today in Tokyo.
#キングダムエクソダス脱出 #LarsVonTrier
Sicherlich einer der besten Filme über #Kreativität und wie diese von Hürden profitieren kann … #film #doku #larsvontrier #fotografie #fotogedanken
#kreativitat #film #doku #larsvontrier #fotografie #Fotogedanken
Stare mi era presa così e ho ascoltato un po' di roba di Bjork 🤔
Devo dire che i video di #MichaelGondry spesso fanno al differenza, ma alcuni brani sono veramente, risentiti oggi, super attuali.
Bjork per me ha raggiunto il suo apice come artista a tutto tondo interpretando #Dancerinthedark di #LarsVonTrier, un film che molti stroncarono ricordo, ma che invece IMHO non era male. Questo video, mi fa pensare a #Innocence ovvero #GITS2
#michaelgondry #DancerInTheDark #larsvontrier #innocence #gits2 #bjork #allisfulloflove
Death, Destruction, and Lars Von Trier
In his return to television, a sequel to his 1990s series The Kingdom, the Danish director’s trollish hospital drama aims to shock.
#series #thekingdom #larsvontrier
On February 28, 2019, The House That Jack Built debuted in Italy. Here’s a drawing of Matt Dillon on a Post-It Note!
#TheHouseThatJackBuilt #LarsVonTrier #MattDillon #HorrorFilm #HorrorArt #HorrorMovies #ArthouseHorror #2010sHorror #FanArt #SlasherArt #MovieArt #Movies #IFCFilms #Art #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thehousethatjackbuilt #larsvontrier #mattdillon #horrorfilm #horrorart #horrormovies #arthousehorror #2010shorror #FanArt #slasherart #movieart #movies #ifcfilms #art #drawing #moviehistory
Anlässlich der #Berlinale präsentiert der Arthouse-Streamingdienst #MUBI im Februar eine Reihe mit Festivalhighlights aus früheren Jahrgängen der Berliner Filmfestspiele. Ein Fokus würdigt das Schaffen von #LarsvonTrier.
#berlinale #mubi #larsvontrier
Review of The Kingdom: Exodus
#TheKingdom #TheKingdomExodus #LarsVonTrier #TV #DanishCinema #Absurd #Horror #SoapOpera #Review
#thekingdom #thekingdomexodus #larsvontrier #TV #danishcinema #absurd #horror #soapopera #review
I've been re-acquainting myself with the original #TheKingdom mini-series by #LarsVonTrier, and it holds up well even after twenty-eight years. It's playing over on #Mubi if you want to give it a watch.
#thekingdom #larsvontrier #mubi
Europa (1991) - von Trier
#larsvontrier #jeanmarcbarr #maxvonsydow #barbara Sukowa
#larsvontrier #jeanmarcbarr #maxvonsydow #barbara
Llegado el momento de saldar cuentas pendientes con #LarsVonTrier , reconozco que no he conectado casi nada con #BailandoenlaOscuridad.
Tengo una relación de amor/odio con Von Trier, y su particular estilo musical (que ya en sí mismo es curioso dentro del género, con esa fragmentacion en montaje), el significado de sus canciones y su personaje principal, Selma (interpretada por #Björk ), no me han llegado.
Quizá haya sido por el momento... Pero no es para mí.
#cinedeculto #cinemusical #cine #bjork #bailandoenlaoscuridad #larsvontrier
Lars von Trier's key
To the end of "The Kingdom"
Was always with him.
#thekingdom #larsvontrier #tv #haiku #poetry
#thekingdom #tv #haiku #poetry #larsvontrier
A terceira temporada de Riget é um delírio. Tem o Diabo, uma idosa cadeirante atormentando o irmão do Mads Mikkelsen, a cabeça gigante do Udo Kier, doppelgangers, uma sonâmbula medium e o loiro do Sex Education sendo processado por assédio enquanto participa de uma sociedade secreta de suecos na Dinamarca. Só o gênio de Lars von Trier poderia permitir que isto existisse. Que privilégio podermos vê-la.
#série #cinema #larsvontrier
See what all the fuss is about by viewing #LarsvonTrier's THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT (2018) on Kanopy. Just go to All you need is your library card. #filmsthatmatter Available: 🇺🇸
#larsvontrier #filmsthatmatter
🎬 In der ARD-Mediathek: Lars von Triers "Melancholia" (Link führt zur Originalfassung).
Regisseur Lars von Trier erzählt in großartigen Bildern vom Weltuntergang als Erlösung. Vielleicht gar nicht so abwegig, das mit der Erlösung ...
#larsvontrier #melancholia #filme
Contagi immaginari e antidoti di resistenza #OliverHirschbiegel #AlessandroManzoni #FriedrichW.Murnau #GiovanniBoccaccio #DaphneDuMaurier #DavidCronemberg #GeorgeA.Romero #EdgarAllanPoe #LarsVonTrier #WernerHerzog #AlbertCamus #coercizione #Coronavirus #JimJarmusch #Letteratura #Interventi #BramStoker #immaginari #Resistenza #controllo #delazione #DonSiegel #PaoloLago #contagio #epidemia #Euripide #Lucrezio
#OliverHirschbiegel #AlessandroManzoni #FriedrichW #GiovanniBoccaccio #daphnedumaurier #DavidCronemberg #GeorgeA #edgarallanpoe #larsvontrier #wernerherzog #albertcamus #coercizione #Coronavirus #jimjarmusch #letteratura #interventi #bramstoker #immaginari #resistenza #controllo #delazione #DonSiegel #paololago #contagio #epidemia #Euripide #Lucrezio