🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #KleineMantelmeeuw #ErgensInDeStad
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Heringsmöwe
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #LesserBlackBackedGull #BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfTheFediverse
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #RacekŽlutonohý
#larusfuscus #racekzlutonohy #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #lesserBlackBackedGull #heringsmowe #ergensindestad #kleinemantelmeeuw
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #KleineMantelmeeuw #ErgensInDeStad
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Heringsmöwe
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #LesserBlackBackedGull
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #RacekŽlutonohý
#larusfuscus #racekzlutonohy #lesserBlackBackedGull #heringsmowe #ergensindestad #kleinemantelmeeuw
🇳🇱 Goedenacht, slaap zacht. #KleineMantelmeeuw #ErgensInDeStad
🇩🇪 Gute Nacht und schöne Träume. #Heringsmöwe
🇬🇧 Good night, sleep tight. #LesserBlackBackedGull
#BirdsOfMastodon #BirdsOfTheFediverse
🇨🇿 Dobrou noc a sladké sny. #RacekŽlutonohý
#larusfuscus #racekzlutonohy #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #lesserBlackBackedGull #heringsmowe #ergensindestad #kleinemantelmeeuw
A young #LesserBlackBackedGull flying back and forth between last week's weather and the clearer skies the weather reports promised us for the coming week. (And it's about time I can drop my ISO settings)
#birdsinlatin #LarusFuscus
#Birdphotography #Birds #Birdsofthefediverse
#BirdsofMastodon #Wildlife #Wildlifephotography #Nature
#lesserBlackBackedGull #birdsinlatin #larusfuscus #birdphotography #birds #birdsofthefediverse #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature
L'altre dia buscant espècies de gavines hivernants pels camps d'arròs vaig veure aquest gavinot fosc. Aquesta gavina sol hivernar a Àfrica i a la península Ibèrica procedents d'Europa del nord.
És fàcil de distingir per les seues ales obscures. Durant l'hivern el cap agafa unes tonalitats grises.
#gaviafosc #larusfuscus #birdwatching #birdphotography #birds #albuferadevalencia