Inside La Sagrada Familia
Every time I was in Barcelona, the long lineups to get tickets to enter La Sagrada Familia discouraged me from visiting it. On this specific trip, I was there with my mother who made a point of visiting it as she had never been there and was very interested in seeing it in person. So I bought reserved tickets online whi
#Europe #Barcelona #Europe #LaSagradaFamilia #photography #travel #travelphotography
#europe #barcelona #lasagradafamilia #photography #travel #travelphotography
Supporting columns at #lasagradafamilia
Like a #forest
#Gaudi had a vision that spaces should feel more in harmony with nature, and made heavy use of #catenary arches, designed using hanging chains.
Also, as a side effect, his designs can be used to give structural engineers a nervous breakdown.
#lasagradafamilia #forest #gaudi #catenary
#Sunset windows at #lasagradafamilia
#Gaudi wanted to bring #Nature into the #Church
Absolutely stunning, the picture doesn't do it justice
#sunset #lasagradafamilia #gaudi #nature #church
#spiral #stairwell in #lasagradafamilia
#gaudi was #inspiredbynature
Breathtaking in person
#spiral #stairwell #lasagradafamilia #gaudi #inspiredbynature
@berglund interesting! Though I thought there may have been some insight here into Gaudi's perspective. I don't know enough about it, but he certainly tucked in subtle naturalistic and pluralistic elements in other parts of the design of #lasagradafamilia
"Oh, you jokers think you're good at stonework?
Ok, make me a stone violin.
Now string it.
In stone."
Do you have any idea how hard it is to build blocks crooked on purpose?
This #gaudi fellow is one to watch.
Genuine #Latin question for #scholars:
The lettering at #lasagradafamilia reads
"Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudæorum”.
Is this
"Jesus of Nazareth, king of Jews”
"Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews”
It strikes me as those have very different meanings
#latin #scholars #lasagradafamilia
The lettering says "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"
But the king of the Jews must be Jewish
And a Jew cannot believe himself to be the Messiah or to be equal to god
So Jesus can't be Jewish
So he can't be our king
Check mate Jesus
#religion #logic #lasagradafamilia
I've decided that I'm a bit of a Gaudí fangirl. #LaSagradaFamilia in #Barcelona is one of my favourite places in the world and I would love to see it finished in my lifetime. The #StainedGlass is particularly stunning especially when the sun hits it in just the right way...
#lasagradafamilia #Barcelona #stainedglass
I've come to realise that I'm a bit of a #Gaudí fangirl. #LaSagradaFamilia is one of my favourite places in the world and I would love to see it finished in my lifetime. The #StainedGlass is breathtaking, especially when the sun hits it just so...
#Gaudí #lasagradafamilia #stainedglass
😍 Amazing! I first thought it was a new column at #LaSagradaFamilia
1er capítulo de #LaSagradaFamilia … sobre #Pujol nada incisivo, un tanto complaciente… Mi opinión.