At the end of last year I drew a colleague during an assembly. This year he put the drawing design into the laser burner machine thing and sent me a picture of it. I'll need to go via his desk to take a photo of me with it.
I really like how it turned out and to see the way the laser burns into the wood and leaves shadows
#SingleLineDrawing #SingleLineSketch #LineDrawing #Staedtler #StaedtlerPens #Artline #ArtlinePens #MakeSomething #MakeArt #CreateArt #CreateSomething #TheDrumAndPage #LaserBurning
#continuouslinedrawing #singlelinedrawing #singlelinesketch #linedrawing #Staedtler #staedtlerpens #artline #artlinepens #makesomething #makeart #createart #createsomething #thedrumandpage #laserburning