I got some bonus studio time and, put the new vacuum tray to use in prototyping a dice pouch. I had the fabric custom-printed and, riffed on my triskelion spirals design for the front. Kumihimo braided cord for the drawstring.
#TTRPGAccessories #TTRPGCrafting #Celtic #CelticArt #CelticDesign #Spirals #DiceGoblin #Maker #LaserCut #LaserCutter
#ttrpgaccessories #ttrpgcrafting #celtic #celticart #celticdesign #spirals #dicegoblin #maker #lasercut #lasercutter
Danke an @hcszt und die anderen für die interessanten Ein- und Ausblicke, was mit @phyphox möglich und was mit dem Webeditor und der Bluetooth-Schnittstelle in aktiver Entwicklung ist. 👍
Und ein Remider für mich: Öfters mal wieder 'ne Fortbildung in Präsenz machen, um mit @liebero3 und den anderen Verrückten zu quatschen. 😜 #PhysikEdu #FediLZ #lasercutter
#PhysikEdu #FediLZ #lasercutter
Unser Laser-Cutter Mr. Beam beim Lasern von Sperrholzteilen.
Hier entsteht eine Halterung für einen Schalter, der in unserem IdeenExpo-Projekt verwendet werden soll.
Durch die orange Schutzscheibe besteht vollständiger Schutz vor dem Laserstrahl.
#lasercutter #mrbeam #mint #MINTSchule #ideenexpo
I finally got around to making a vacuum work hold-down tray for my Glowforge!
Blog post with more photos:
#lasercut #lasercutter #glowforge #maker
Porte-clés @fokuza en forme d’appareil photo.
Disponible sur le stand de l’association 😁
#LaserCut #LaserCutter #Keychain #DIY
#lasercut #lasercutter #keychain #diy
Das Chaos Communication Camp 2023 steht vor der Tür und natürlich sind auch Mitglieder*innen des ZTL vor Ort und was braucht eine Person aus der Pfalz wenn sie die Heimat verlässt? Natürlich selbstgemachte Glasuntersetzer :) Hier mit dem Lasercutter des Spaces erstellt und mit passenden Verzierungen versehen!
#Maker #makerspace #ztlspace #ZTL #landau #landauinderpfalz #lasercutter #ccc #cccamp #cccamp2023 #pfalz #spacelife #neuesausdemspace
#Maker #makerspace #ztlspace #ztl #Landau #landauinderpfalz #lasercutter #ccc #cccamp #cccamp2023 #pfalz #spacelife #neuesausdemspace
Wie sieht es im #fediverse aus: Habt ihr Erfahrung mit #lasercutter|n? Wir möchten bald ein Gerät anschaffen und schwanken noch zwischen Geräten von BRM, Epilog und Trotec. #makerspace #followerpower
#fediverse #lasercutter #makerspace #followerpower
I've struggled for a long time to find a sharp enough scalpel and have a steady enough hand to get the debossing and inserts exactly as I want. This was an experiment to see if the laser cutter could do better. It can.
#bookbinding #lasercutter #japanesepaper
An Open-Source Antikythera Mechanism - When the Antikythera Mechanism was first discovered, it wasn’t viewed as the wonde... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/11/an-open-source-antikythera-mechanism/ #3dprinterhacks #antikythera #lasercutter #recreation #3dprinter #replica
#replica #3dprinter #Recreation #lasercutter #antikythera #3dprinterhacks
Getting a Rise With Laser Cutting - Your first 3D print probably seemed pretty amazing. But if you revisit it after a ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/07/getting-a-rise-with-laser-cutting/ #honeycombtable #lasercutter #toolhacks
#toolhacks #lasercutter #honeycombtable
Eine Warnung an alle, das ZTL ist ab sofort bewaffnet mit einem Laser! Daher gilt ab jetzt UFFBASSE! 😆 Schritt zwei ist natürlich den passenden Todesstern drumherum zu bauen 😍
#ztl #maker #makerspace #landau #Landauinderpfalz #laser #lasercutter
#ztl #Maker #makerspace #Landau #landauinderpfalz #Laser #lasercutter
Making jigsaw puzzles!
#jigsaw #puzzle #lasercutter #photography #JamesMilstidPhotography
#Jigsaw #puzzle #lasercutter #photography #jamesmilstidphotography
Picture it: May 31, 2023 (welp)
You've got a laser cutter, and you don't want to babysit that shit hovering over it, breathing in dust, so you set up a webcam.
Then you think 'this cut is going to take forever, I could totally take a shower before it's done' and you throw that stream on in the shower 🧐 as one does...
10 minutes in, the web cam ... crashes? restarts? It was probably installing the updates I've been ignoring for 4 years, who knows. All I know, is that potentially, a fireball explosion has taken out that webcam in the other room 🤣
... but, like, you're not running buck-naked out of the shower for anything -less- than a fireball, right? You see what I'm saying. So ... you definitely -wait- the 3 seconds 😅
Boring conclusion: the laser cutter was happily cutting away at the end without bother.
#showerthoughts #blog #personal #lasercutter #boring
#vatertag also.
Saufen ...oder Spielzeug machen?
Bin nüchtern geblieben, und hab den #Lasercutter angeworfen. Jetzt hat das Brummsche #Siedler von #Catan ein wolliges Upgrade bekommen. Die Kinder lieben es. Mission accomplished. :)
#catan #siedler #lasercutter #vatertag
Modern CO2 Laser Reviewed https://hackaday.com/2023/05/15/modern-co2-laser-reviewed/ #lasercutter #LaserHacks #co2laser #Reviews #review
#lasercutter #LaserHacks #co2laser #reviews #review
Tiny Orrery Keeps the Planets in Their Places https://hackaday.com/2023/05/09/tiny-orrery-keeps-the-planets-in-their-places/ #lasercutter #planetarium #MiscHacks #basswood #engraved #esp32-C3 #orrery #zodiac
#lasercutter #planetarium #MiscHacks #basswood #engraved #ESP32 #orrery #zodiac
Thirty minute studio project while waiting for glue to dry on something else: a stand to hold my Morph in a comfortable position while using it as a macro pad for video editing. I kept not getting around to making one of these until today, when I discovered that there is a laptop stand variant of Boxes.py. Cut from pre-finished walnut ply.
Kerfmeter Measures Laser Cutter Kerf Allowances on the Fly https://hackaday.com/2023/05/03/kerfmeter-measures-laser-cutter-kerf-allowances-on-the-fly/ #kerfallowance #fingerjoint #lasercutter #LaserHacks #ToolHacks #boxjoint #kerf #cam
#kerfallowance #fingerjoint #lasercutter #LaserHacks #ToolHacks #boxjoint #kerf #cam
Kerfmeter Measures Laser Cutter Kerf Allowances on the Fly - Nothing beats a laser cutter and a sheet of Baltic birch plywood or MDF when it co... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/03/kerfmeter-measures-laser-cutter-kerf-allowances-on-the-fly/ #kerfallowance #fingerjoint #lasercutter #laserhacks #toolhacks #boxjoint #kerf #cam
#cam #kerf #boxjoint #toolhacks #laserhacks #lasercutter #fingerjoint #kerfallowance
I made this half-moon display for the upcoming fair yesterday. It's a bit wobbly and falls to the left side due to its weight but I hope that's something fixable with glue? Any help from the woodworking community? it's my first laser cutter and wood project. 😅 #woodwork #lasercutter #halfmoon #halfmoonshelf #shelf #handmade
#handmade #shelf #halfmoonshelf #Halfmoon #lasercutter #woodwork