#HP #Laserjet MFP: Kritische Lücke in mehr als 50 Modellen erlaubt Codeschmuggel | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Kritisches-Leck-Codeschmuggel-auf-mehr-als-50-HP-Laserjet-MFP-Modelle-moeglich-9188162.html #Patchday #HewlettPackard #LaserjetMFP #HPLaserjet
#HPLaserjet #laserjetmfp #hewlettpackard #patchday #laserjet #hp
We bit the bullet a few years ago and dumped #inkjet printers. Got a HP colour #laserjet. Initial expense high, and come refill time the bill is huge. BUT overall it actually saves money and it Just Works.
Those liquid inkjet things are just evil by comparison. Always a mess and always messing up. The Laserjet prints from an iMac and a Linux machine wirelessly and almost never fails.
HP-Drucker: Hochriskante Sicherheitslücken in mehreren Laserjet Pro/MFPs
Mehrere hochriskante Schwachstellen in einigen HP Laserjet Pro/MFP-Modellen ermöglichen Angreifern, Schadcode einzuschleusen und ihre Rechte auszuweiten.
#Firmware #HPLaserjet #HewlettPackard #LaserJet #Security #Sicherheitslücken #Sicherheitsupdates
#verpasstodon #firmware #hplaserjet #hewlettpackard #laserjet #security #sicherheitslucken #sicherheitsupdates
Warum bootet dieser vermaledeite Scheissdreckdrucker alle naselang ohne jeden ersichtlichen Grund?!? 😣
A PostScript Cartridge for an HP LaserJet printer #VintageComputing #LaserJet #HP
#vintagecomputing #laserjet #hp #adafruit
This is my #HP Color #LaserJet MFP #M283fdn #printer. I bought it on July 2021 and printed only <300 pages since then. Recently something (a bearing?) inside got stuck. That caused a short voltage sag, then a "#79error" and a reset. (The warranty has expired, also recently.) But tilting the printer a bit fixed the problem. It runs fine now.🤓
#hp #laserjet #m283fdn #printer #79error
This is my HP Color #LaserJet MFP #M283fdn #printer. I bought it on July 2021 and printed only <300 pages since then. Recently something (a bearing?) inside got stuck. That caused a short voltage sag, then a "#79error" and a reset. (The warranty has expired, also recently.) But tilting the printer a bit fixed the problem. It runs fine now.🤓
#laserjet #m283fdn #printer #79error
Aside from the times it automatically decides to switch trays away from what I configured the print job for -- I really love this 22-year-old #LaserJet 4050. I slapped a JetDirect in it and it still talks to Windows 10 and 11 just fine (with a hard-to-find PCL5e universal print driver at least). I do all my eBay printing on it.
Odometer check: 50357.
If you've ever bought a Bundle of Wires, an "I'm probably not driving" sticker/magnet, or a replacement JuiceBox relay... That was printed here :)
PostScript Cartridge for HP LaserJet
#retrocomputing #postscript #m68k #laserjet
#retrocomputing #postscript #m68k #laserjet
📬 HP-Drucker in Gefahr: Neue Firmware sorgt für zahlreiche Ausfälle
#Softwareentwicklung #20221010 #Error49 #Error79 #HewlettPackard #HPDrucker #LaserJet https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/softwareentwicklung/hp-drucker-in-gefahr-neue-firmware-sorgt-fuer-zahlreiche-ausfaelle-259266.html
#laserjet #HPDrucker #hewlettpackard #error79 #error49 #softwareentwicklung
So ... the topic of pirnters came up recently and in a recent turn of events I find myself 1) similarly in the market and B) surrounded by bullshit options.
The present madness appears to be for devices which are a) wireless-only and ii) cloud-based, which of course means that rather than printer drivers, there's a motherlovin' printer app that must be downloaded and installed. Apparently also such devices don't function unless "connected to the Internet", which ... spanks of all kinds of bad.
One such device appears on a list of recent CVE issues. Great ... now I've got to run security updates on my printer.
Criteria sought
I'm leaning somewhat toward Epson or Brother, tending away from HP, and reject anything Samsung entirely.
I'm noticing that anything that is NOT WiFi and/or Cloud based seems to be short stocked or out completely.
#printers #printing #LaserJet #KISS #InternetOfShit #DearMastomind
#printers #printing #laserjet #kiss #internetofshit #dearMastomind
This is the built-in test page I just printed from my #Laserjet using the failing toner cartridge. This machine has firmware dating to 1998 and has printed over 18,000 pages in its lifetime, over a thousand of those since I bought it nearly a *decade* ago, for $20, with the toner cartridge I'm just now replacing. I've cleaned it *once.* If paper jams, I pull it out and it works again, end of story. #oldtech
Do #Laserjet toner cartridges get dirty? I have toner that sat for a while and it's not recovering like I would expect after a few dozen pages, and now there's a faded band across part of the entire page.