Eine Quantencomputing-Aufgabe und 24h Zeit: Lea Marlen Rektorschek, studentische Hilfskraft in der Forschungstechnik am AIP, gewann mit ihrem Team "Hamiltonian Harmonics" den 1. Preis beim Hackathon von World Of Quantum, #LASERWorldOfPHOTONICS! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! 🎉 👏 🍾
A quantum computing task and 24h time: Lea Marlen Rektorschek, student assistant in research engineering at AIP, won 1st prize with her team "Hamiltonian Harmonics" at the World Of Quantum hackathon, #LASERWorldOfPHOTONICS! Congratulations! 🎉 👏 🍾
Today, the #LASERWorldofPHOTONICS and #WorldOfQUANTUM come to an end. We had a wonderful time at the fair 🤩 and would like to thank all interested guests and partners who visited our booths as well as panels! 🙏 You can find more information about our exhibition at: https://www.iof.fraunhofer.de/de/veranstaltungen/messen/iof-laser.html. #optics #photonics #lasers #quantum
#laserworldofphotonics #worldofquantum #optics #photonics #lasers #quantum
Ein kühles Bier gibt es auf der LASER World of PHOTONICS in München bei Hydac am Messestand
Wer wissen will, wie das Innenleben einer TruMicro 8000 aussieht, der kann morgen noch bei @messemuenchen am TRUMPF-Messestand Halle A3 vorbeischauen.
Meet us at #LASERWorldofPHOTONICS and #WorldOfQUANTUM from June 27 to 30 in Munich and discover the rich research portfolio of Fraunhofer IOF in the field of #photonics and #quantumtechnologies. Learn more about our exhibition and event highlights here: https://www.iof.fraunhofer.de/de/veranstaltungen/messen/iof-laser.html
#laserworldofphotonics #worldofquantum #photonics #quantumtechnologies