"Schrödinger’s candy. The new Skittles are foods not meant to be eaten and products not meant to be sold. They are marketing gone purely postmodern: narrative, all the way down. Conceived in a conference room and concocted in a lab, their physical existence is almost antithetical to their true purpose: to become a debate on social-media feeds and radio call-in shows; to become an idea that goes viral.."
#TheSocietyOfTheSpectacle #LaSociétéduSpectacle
#thesocietyofthespectacle #lasocieteduspectacle
🤔 «One more theory I have not heard is this is all a show so both sides NATO and Russia end the war and dont lose face completely. All this could be preplanned by both Russian and West. NATO saves face as Russia might be forced to retreat and give up some territories in Donbas and agree to ceasefire N Korea style. Russia saves face as this is the only way out of the war which might be weighing heavy on them after 1 year.»
#wagnergroup #lasocieteduspectacle