I went to follow all the #s for #WNBA teams and not all of them exist (in my part of the fediverse), so here is a toot where I write them out from memory so I can follow them all. 12 teams, self, you can do it.
#SeattleStorm (💚💛) #LASparks #NewYorkLiberty #MinnesotaLynx #WashingtonMystics #PhoenixMercury #LasVegasAces #ChicagoSky #AtlantaDream #ConnecticutSun ummm #IndianaFever ... one more... ah! #DallasWings
👍 🏀 💗
#s #wnba #seattlestorm #lasparks #newyorkliberty #minnesotalynx #washingtonmystics #phoenixmercury #lasvegasaces #chicagosky #atlantadream #connecticutsun #indianafever #dallaswings
@evaplaysthedrums @lasvegasaces Your #LASparks had an awful year but you have an All-Star coach now and the best DJ in the league! If they can snag an All-Star free agent or two they'll be a contender.