Dark Side of the Moon, Pink Floyd Printable File of Original Acrylic Painting; Music Gift of Love, Rainbow Colors, Polka Dots, Rock & Roll by ColorBySusan on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/1452554567/dark-side-of-the-moon-pink-floyd #fathersday #lastminutegifts #music #rockandroll
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Best Buy - Save $20 on a DoorDash - $100 Gift Code (Digital Delivery) [Digital].
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Braucht ihr noch ein Last Minute Geschenk, oder müsst mit Kindern Zeit überbrücken? Hier eine kleine Anleitung. Erst malen, dann Spaß haben.
#lastminutegifts #ki #fedilz #medienkompetenz #stablediffusion
#lastminutegifts #ki #FediLZ #medienkompetenz #stablediffusion
Thanks to all who have been purchasing my ebooks in the big half off sale. Some like my Henry potty for kids or An Unexpected Parody which I read at all the cons (not just a Hobbit spoof but lovingly tackles all SF and F fans) and my friends' anthology Uncertain Stars: Speculative Stories from Silicon Valley are FREE. Excellent quickie gifts--with infinite copies. Also, reviews always appreciated, Smashwords, Amazon, or anywhere. https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/valeriefrankel #books #ebook #lastminutegifts #freebooks
#books #ebook #lastminutegifts #freebooks
Reminder for frantic holiday shoppers! Pre-order my new novel THE TERRAFORMERS (coming 1/31) from Folio Books in San Francisco and they'll donate 10% of the proceeds to the excellent San Francisco Marin Food Bank ... that way, your gift can be sent to a friend, and to folks who are hungry. Bonus: I'll sign the book for you too! #books #bookstodon #scifi #LastMinuteGifts https://www.foliosf.com/annaleenewitz
#books #bookstodon #scifi #lastminutegifts
In 3 Tagen ist Weihnachten, schon bemerkt? 😊
Falls du Lesestoff für die freien Tage suchst: Mein Roman "Der Glanz des Rosenkäfers" ist ein spannender Near-Future-Thriller, der gut in düstere Winterabende passt.
Zu bestellen beim lokalen Buchhändler und als E-Book bei allen bekannten Onlinehändlern.
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#weihnachten2022 #weihnachten #geschenke #lastminutegifts #roman #Thriller
Last-Minute-Weihnachtsgeschenk: Meinen Darmstadt Kalender 2023 gibt es in der Buchhandlung THALIA in Darmstadt und in meinem Kalender-Shop https://www.darmstadtkalender.com/c/darmstadt-kalender-2023
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There is one more Art & Sol market coming up before Christmas. Get thee hence, procrastinators!
A Ball of Clay Experience!
Head over here for more info.
#stluciapotter #pottery #artisan #gifts #FediGiftShop #giftideas #lastminutegifts
#stluciapotter #pottery #artisan #gifts #fedigiftshop #giftideas #lastminutegifts
Arrange for a last minute letter from Santa.
Parents can just reach out to me to sort. These are guaranteed to arrive via Email before Christmas.
#santa #lastminutegifts #christmas