A #CaramanicoTerme arriva il nucleo antiveleno dopo che alcuni cani sono morti a causa del lumachicida VIDEO
Le analisi effettuate nell’istituto zooprofilattico “#G.Caporale” hanno confermato la presenza di metaldeide (lumachicida) negli animali avvelenati il mese scorso
#Poison control unit arrives in #CaramanicoTerme after dogs die from slug pellets VIDEO
Analyses carried out at the '#G.Caporale' zooprophylactic institute have confirmed the presence of metaldehyde (lumachicide) in the animals poisoned #lastmonth
4-5-2023 10:32 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/attualita/cani-morti-avvelenati-caramanico-terme-nucleo-antiveleno.html
#caramanicoterme #g #poison #lastmonth #ilpescara
BTC Wraps up 13 Consecutive Years of Recorded Market Value, With No Santa Rally in 2022 - By the end of this year bitcoin will have 13 consecutive years of recorded market ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/btc-wraps-up-13-consecutive-years-of-recorded-market-value-with-no-santa-rally-in-2022/ #lastmonthoftheyear #2022performances #bitcoinmarket #bitcoin(btc) #santarallies #santarally #decembers #lastmonth #featured #december #bitcoin #rally
#rally #december #featured #lastmonth #decembers #santarally #santarallies #bitcoin #bitcoinmarket #2022performances #lastmonthoftheyear