Cyberkriminelle haben vergangenes Jahr #LastPass-Kennworttresore kopiert. Nun scheinen sie diese zu knacken und Krypto-Wallets leerzuräumen
Auweija ...
#Passwortmanager: LastPass-Hacker scheinen Kennworttresore zu knacken | heise online #lastpass
People who were using #LastPass are now losing also Millions of Crypto-Dollars:
No pity from my side for using #cloud-based #password services in the first place. Sorry, it's your own fault when you prioritize convenience over #security. Security experts were warning you before and you ignored it. 🤷
#lastpass #cloud #password #security
Wenn ihr #LastPass genutzt hattet, seit gewarnt. Und ich würde mir einen anderen Passwortmanager suchen.
Passwortmanager: LastPass-Hacker scheinen Kennworttresore zu knacken | Security
Die (leider) negativen News zu #lastpass nehmen kein Ende
It really is mind-boggling to me that people are losing tons of money because hackers cracked their stolen #LastPass vaults and they still hadn't rotated the credentials they had stored in them.
We couldn't have screamed any louder for people to assume anything in LastPass was compromised and change it all ASAP. That was >6 months ago.
Luck is not a strategy.
If you used LastPass and still haven't rotated creds, act now. It may not be too late.
#infosec #wtf #smdh #PeopleAreStupid
#lastpass #infosec #wtf #smdh #peoplearestupid
Experts Fear Crooks are #Cracking Keys Stolen in #LastPass #Breach – Krebs on Security
Krebs on Security – In-depth security news and investigation #lastpass
Ich möchte mich endlich von #LastPass trennen, wenn ich schon all meine Passwörter ändern muss, wegen #lastpassbreach. Welche Alternativen schlagt Ihr vor? #Geräteübergreifend, #Opensource und #authenticator wären toll...
#feditips #authenticator #opensource #gerateubergreifend #lastpassbreach #lastpass
Experts link LastPass security breach to a string of crypto heists - The Verge #lastpass
#Lastpass-Anwendern mit Krypto-Wallets wird dringend geraten, alle bei Lastpass gespeicherten Passwörter zu ändern und auf neue Wallets umzusteigen, sofern die zu den bisher genutzten Wallets zugehörigen Seed Phrases bei Lastpass eingetragen waren.
It took me six months, but I have successfully migrated from #lastpass to #bitwarden. Why six months? Well, I had to move all the logins over, then go from site to site and change every password. I did about a handful every few days. What a pain. I never want to do that again. Thankfully, Bitwarden is pretty swank.
Wow, the #LastPass fiasco looks even worse now that the people responsible for it's hack has cracked some of the stolen vault keys. More in this piece from @briankrebs:
And here's the accompanying thread
It's another example into why you should only rely on offline solutions when picking a password manager, such as #KeePass #KeePassXC #KeepassDX and/or #Strongbox
#lastpass #keepass #keepassxc #keepassdx #strongbox #passwords #passwordmanager
I'm glad I stopped using LastPass several years ago. #LastPass #PasswordManager
“…a steady trickle of six-figure #cryptocurrency heists targeting security-conscious people throughout the tech industry has led some #security experts to conclude that crooks likely have succeeded at cracking open some of the stolen #LastPass vaults.”
#cryptocurrency #security #lastpass
In November 2022, the #password manager service #LastPass disclosed a #databreach in which hackers stole password vaults containing both encrypted and plaintext data for more than 25 million users. Since then, a steady trickle of six-figure cryptocurrency heists targeting security-conscious people throughout the tech industry has led some #security experts to conclude that crooks likely have succeeded at cracking open some of the stolen LastPass vaults.
#Password #lastpass #databreach #security
「専門家は、#LastPass 侵害で盗まれたキーを詐欺師が解読していると懸念」: KrebsonSecurity
「2022 年 11 月、パスワード管理サービス LastPass は 、ハッカーが 2,500 万人を超えるユーザーの暗号化データと平文データの両方を含むパスワード保管庫を盗んだ #侵害 を明らかにしました。 それ以来、ハイテク業界全体でセキュリティ意識の高い人々をターゲットにした 6 桁規模の #暗号通貨 強盗が着実に続いているため、一部のセキュリティ専門家は、詐欺師が盗まれた LastPass 保管庫の一部を破ることに成功した可能性が高いと結論付けています。 」
#lastpass #侵害 #暗号通貨 #prattohome #krebsonsecurity
#LastPass #cybersecurity Brian Krebs: "a steady trickle of six-figure cryptocurrency heists targeting security-conscious people throughout the tech industry has led some security experts to conclude that crooks likely have succeeded at cracking open some of the stolen LastPass vaults." #passwords #encryption
#lastpass #cybersecurity #passwords #encryption
"A year after the disastrous breach, LastPass has not improved"
#passwordmanagers #lastpass #infosec #security