In #LastSummer sensibilità provenienti da culture diverse si uniscono per dare vita a un film amaramente raffinato sulla separazione.
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 25: Walking in #sand on #WalkInTheSandDay
During a summer vacation on #FireIsland, two young men come across Sandy, a young woman with an injured #seagull. While nursing the bird back to life, the relationship between the three deepens. A second girl, the much younger Rhoda (the breathtaking Catherine Burns) is taken in by the trio. Set almost entirely on a sunny #beach, Last Summer (Frank “The Swimmer” Perry, 1969) is one of the most claustrophobic films you may ever watch.
#film #cinema #LastSummer #FrankPerry #EvanHunter #BarbaraHershey #BarbaraSeagull #RichardThomas #BruceDavison #CatherineBurns #ComingOfAge #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #sand #walkinthesandday #fireisland #seagull #beach #film #cinema #lastsummer #frankperry #evanhunter #barbarahershey #barbaraseagull #richardthomas #brucedavison #catherineburns #comingofage #filmastodon #cinemastodon
Fond memories of last summer :-)
#lastsummer #memories #sailors #sailing #tallships
You: So, eclectech, have you ever considered combining classic Christmas pop tunes with famous artworks of enormous cultural importance?
Me: Why yes, yes I have. Thank you for asking.
#LastChristmas #LastSummer #LastChristmasSupper #festive #Christmas #art #silly #mashup
#lastchristmas #lastsummer #lastchristmassupper #festive #christmas #art #silly #mashup
Beautiful display of pelargoniums at the #PAGS national show last summer at RHS Bridgewater.
#pags #lovepelargoniums #lastsummer #pelargoniumdisplay #rhsbridgewater
Çok kederli bir fotoğraf bu,
#lastsummer #İtalya #DianaSpencer