I finally watched #LetMeIn and the reviews I read are right: It's a very good #Hollywood #remake of the original #Swedish, #LetTheRightOneIn (#LåtDenRätteKommaIn); maybe the best such #movie I've seen.
It sticks to the story and looks great. I especially love the lighting of the railroad, bridge (b/w!), and pool shot (you'll know them when you see them).
I liked the treatment of the parents, especially mom, but the religiosity added nothing.
It's still a #LoveStory. In a way.
#powerimbalance #lovestory #movie #latdenrattekommain #LetTheRightOneIn #swedish #remake #hollywood #letmein
#NowWatching: #LåtDenRätteKommaIn #LetTheRightOneIn, a story of true young #love.
#latdenrattekommain #Vampire #love #LetTheRightOneIn #nowwatching