#UNI #Late70s #HP2000 #DnD #*Lords #*Dragon #BasicGameOnAuthors
I am searching for the guys that wrote the game DND on the University of Northern Iowa's HP-2000 TimeShare BASIC. I printed out a copy of the DND source, and the *LORDS that it CHAINed to. I am missing the code for *DRAGON. My only references inside the source are the names "#MageStone" and "#MageLauterbach"
Please Boost this as I would like to see if they are online anywhere and maybe can help fill in the blanks!
#uni #late70s #hp2000 #dnd #basicgameonauthors #magestone #magelauterbach
Blush — Lift Off
#disco #funk #southafrica #saturdaynightfever #late70s #mastoradio
#disco #funk #southafrica #saturdaynightfever #late70s #mastoradio