If you value someone because they lie for you,
Do not feel cheated when they lie to you. ~ Me
I.need a leg massage… is that a thing? Do those exist? My back hurts! Oy vey I sound ancient! Don’t mind me yall i went to an amusement park for the first time in ages. #LateNightThoughts #ImGettingOld
#latenightthoughts #imgettingold
Any system will serve itself over time without external intervention.
Capitalism must be controlled for the benefit of society & social needs or it will simply serve itself - money trickles up. #latenightthoughts
I don't really know how to put into words exactly how I feel at this moment.
If I were to say anything, it's that the world seems too big to fully understand.
I know very little about it, or myself, and I know that many others are the same, even if they say otherwise.
The paths and experiences of all people are so vastly different that it's just too hard to assume where they came from, or where they are going.
I wish more people would accept that.
#granturismomovie is a modern day Days of Thunder. #LateNightThoughts
#granturismomovie #latenightthoughts
I had a random thought while musing through some things about seeing your own worth and power-- and why it's so difficult to do so..
And it manifested itself into a podcast episode lbs
5mins of your time gets you at the very least something to think 💭 about!
#podcast #podcasting #swellcast #minipodcast #WomenPodcasters #foodforthought #latenightthoughts
#podcast #podcasting #swellcast #minipodcast #womenpodcasters #foodforthought #latenightthoughts
Small-minded people with big ideas are dangerous.
Understanding isnt truth it is commentary.
#aphorism #latenightthoughts #philosophy
If I could pick any one vehicle to own and operate in all of fiction, it would most definitely be the T-65B X-wing starfighter. Hands down, it's my favorite starship of all time.
#StarWars #xwing #red5 #redleader #LukeSkywalker #rebelalliance #fiction #fantasy #scifi #starship #latenightthoughts
#starwars #xwing #red5 #redleader #LukeSkywalker #rebelalliance #fiction #fantasy #scifi #Starship #latenightthoughts
I’m sick and my kid peed on the carpet cuz he couldn’t get to the bathroom fast enough! #sick #MomLife #LateNightThoughts #fml
#sick #momlife #latenightthoughts #fml
I wish life came with a user manual and all I had to do was follow its instructions to get through it smoothly.
#latenightthoughts #selfreflection
I believe there must be another 'me' somewhere in a parallel world, living a fulfilled life with her family and loved ones.
I'd like to meet that 'me'.
What would life be like in that world?…I ask myself.
#latenightthoughts #selfreflection
Me: "Life," you don't make sense to me sometimes.
Life: I’m under absolutely no obligation to make sense to you.
Me: 😶🤐
I don't mind being alone.
I'm afraid of feeling lonely in the midst of so many people.
#lonliness #latenightthoughts #selfreflection
Have you ever been in the midst of your world crumbling apart all around you and you start to wonder just how in the fuck you ended up here? Almost 41, jobless, no money, bills piling up and so much pressure weighing you down that you wonder if you'll ever get back up? Sometimes I think back to pin point where it all went to shit and what I can come up with is that I'm not supposed to be alive. That somehow, someone screwed up and didn't cut my life line when it was supposed to. All those years ago, staring death in the face and feeling like I won when I survived, but instead of feeling a verve for life I've only felt empty, broken, dark. It's been a struggle since then to maintain my life, to be who everyone expects of me. When most days I just wish the darkness had won, that the devil had taken my soul instead of letting me live. I survived being strangled, but I came back dark, evil, unworthy of goodness, poisoning everyone and everything around me.
#LateNightThoughts #ThingsICantSayOutLoud
#Alone #DarkAndTwisty
#latenightthoughts #thingsicantsayoutloud #alone #darkandtwisty
Q: What qualifies as “pie”? (Re: 3/14, Pi Day)
A: ……… (extended thinking)
All foods that are a composite of a bread-style food and a sauce or filling are “pie”. All. Even sandwiches.
I have done the logic. It is correct and unassailable. I WILL die on this hill.
Q: What qualifies as “pie”? (Re: 3/14, Pi Day)
A: ……… (extended thinking)
All foods that are a composite of a bread-style food and a sauce or filling are “pie”. All. Even sandwiches.
I have done the logic. It is correct and unassailable. I WILL die on this hill.
Any fellow mstdn.games folks remember The 1UP Show?
#latenightthoughts #gaming #videogames