Want to do a shout out for this volume I contributed to: "Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity" —such a *fascinating* period to study and the editors did an amazing job bringing the book together. My contribution was a pleasure to work on, and I learned *so much* from the other authors. If you are interested in murky, yet fascinating, history or #Cyprus, this book is for you. #Cyprusarchaeology #Medieval #MiddleAges #ANE #History #LateAntiquity #LateRoman #Byzantium #Mediterranean #archaeology
#archaeology #mediterranean #byzantium #lateroman #lateantiquity #history #ane #middleages #medieval #cyprusarchaeology #Cyprus
#romeinen #römer #romans #laatromeins #spätantike #lateroman #levendegeschiedenis #livinghistory #lebendigegeschichte #reenactment #carnuntum #carnuntum333 ❤💚💛
#romeinen #römer #romans #laatromeins #spätantike #lateroman #levendegeschiedenis #livinghistory #lebendigegeschichte #reenactment #carnuntum #carnuntum333