A Litter Bestiary: giraffe
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #giraffes
#giraffes #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
A Litter Bestiary: cat
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #cats
#cats #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
Also NYC hotel prices hitting $600-$1000 a night for 4⭐️ or less. Rents at $5k for a 1 bedroom. Smh.
I’m lucky to have bought property when I did or this would no longer feel like home for me.
#nyc #latestagecapitalism #greedkills #generationalwealthproducesleeches #gg
#nyc #latestagecapitalism #greedkills #generationalwealthproducesleeches #gg
Huh. So, back in the day (the #BeforeTimes), you could visit #Amazon and listen to samples of #songs before deciding whether you wanted to buy. Apparently, that's not the case anymore. Now (starting I don't know when) if you want to listen to a sample of a particular track, you must have a paid membership.
I continue to be reminded of why I shop there as rarely as possible. #LateStageCapitalism is, besides cruel and hateful, just plain stupid. But enough people fall for it, unfortunately.
#beforetimes #amazon #songs #latestagecapitalism
UK folks..... don't get the tubs of Celebrations, Quality Street etc, there's barely anything inside them.
#Consumerism #UK #Shopping #LateStageCapitalism #YoureOnlyBuyingAPlasticTub #Chocolate #RipOffBritain #Capitalism #Celebrations #QualityStreet
#consumerism #uk #shopping #latestagecapitalism #youreonlybuyingaplastictub #chocolate #ripoffbritain #capitalism #celebrations #qualitystreet
A Litter Bestiary: flamingos
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #flamingos
#flamingos #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
landscape portrait.
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #paper #algae #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #photography #landscape #portrait
#portrait #landscape #photography #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #algae #paper #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
Well, fuck you, G/O Media.
You might as well just fucking shutter Gizmodo en Español. It would be more respectful, at any rate.
But yeah, therein lies the problem: Corporate overlords don’t respect anything but money. Short-term money, specifically, because they don’t seem to be able to plan long-term. Fucking idiots.
#Gizmodo #GizmodoEnEspañol #GOMedia #LateStageCapitalism #NoToAI
#gizmodo #gizmodoenespanol #gomedia #latestagecapitalism #notoai
today's colours.
#todayscolours #colours #litter #foundobjects #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #colourtherapy
#colourtherapy #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #foundobjects #litter #colours #todayscolours
Whelp. We've reached Late Stage Capitalism on vaccines now.
V A C C I N E S !!!!!!
#VaccinesSaveLives (but only for people who are Capitalistically Worthy 🤡 .)
#covid #COVID19 #latestagecapitalism #vaccines #VaccinesSaveLives
A Litter Bestiary: unicorn
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #unicorns
#unicorns #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #sheep #litterbestiary
#litterbestiary #sheep #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #bears
#bears #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
Une vidéo longue, hyper documentée (les titres des extraits utilisés sont dans les sous-titres, ce qui est très rare).
Surtout : un passionnant et vibrant hommage à l'art libre de toute contrainte, l'art libéré du marché parce que le pognon pourri tout ce qu'il touche.
Art is not for sale
#cinema #vulgarisation #art #diy #latestagecapitalism
Le macronisme : la ploutocratie à l'état chimiquement pur.
(et c'est même pas moi qui le dit, ce sont les chiffres).
Via > @redfrog 🔗 https://mamot.fr/users/redfrog/statuses/111017163889500977
Les macronistes au pouvoir :
👉 "des bourgeois, par des bourgeois, pour les bourgeois''
#politique #macron #talibansliberaux #liberalisme #latestagecapitalism
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #mice
#mice #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
A litter bestiary:
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #flamingos
#flamingos #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
Why does it is seem like a baseline expectation of society that everyone have a #Spotify account? Curse that company.