Does anybody know if bare, unfinished pine wood is safe for latex?
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexlifestyle
Guess who's stuck in #latex #rubber for the day on @ThetaKoboldButler's orders. >////////>;;
#latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
My new tracksuit from @libidex is incredible. Love that gorgeous metallic purple and it's so comfy. Can't wait to wear it next week at @efm_event.backup
#latex #latexgeek #latexgirl #latexbeauty #latexphotography #purple #tracksuit #latexfashion #kinkynerd #latexlifestyle
#latex #latexgeek #latexgirl #latexbeauty #latexphotography #purple #tracksuit #latexfashion #kinkynerd #latexlifestyle
When you have so much latex to clean at once that you have to use The Entire Bath Tub to wash and then rinse. Just #latexlifestyle things. ðĪŠ
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur
#latexlifestyle #latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur
Amusing thought and idea to experiment with: dry j-lube as a dry latex dressing aid that then becomes super slick inside said latex as you sweat.
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
Further evidence of the claim: latex is a terrible thermal insulator--really the only thing worse you can wear is fishnet--and an excellent infrared absorber.
Latex DOES NOT keep you warm when you're in cold air, nor does it help cool you down when you're in hot air! It cannot help your body thermoregulate! At all!
And if you're out in the sun, it'll absorb all that infrared radiation and REALLY make you miserable.
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
Latex on its own does not make you sweat. That would require it to be bioactive and activate your thermoregulatory system while only having contact with your skin.
However, latex IS an excellent waterproof barrier.
Latex prevents your sweat, which your body is already producing constantly, from evaporating off your skin, thus making you feel like it's making you sweat more.
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
Today I have learned, and I CANNOT overstate this enough, the importance of a fresh application of silicone lube juat prior to putting on any latex, even if it's been stored using silicone lube as an anti-stick treatment. At least if you use wet storage and dressing like I do.
Any kind of microfiber applicator is perfect for this and it makes a HUGE difference!
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
Ordered into latex by my @ThetaKoboldButler and by @noodlydragon and made to have an orgasm that activated a curse to lock my clothing slots for the day. >/////>;;;
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
Me: I need to buy a new set of speakers to replace these secondhand Bose ones that keep randomly cutting out on me... ðĐ
Also me: I'm gonna buy more latex instead!! ð
Just #latexlifestyle things~ ð
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur
#latexlifestyle #latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur
Forced inhalation...
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle
As much as I love it and feel validated by it I need to not wear latex for 24+ hours at a time without better preparation for it.
My legs will not stop itchiiiiiinnnngggggg ðĩâðŦ
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
ðĪ Name the city ðĪ
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle
Update: My @ThetaKoboldButler made me roll 2d4+12 with advantage and cursed my rubber to lock my clothing slots for that many hours. I can't take it off or wear anything over it.
I rolled 18. >//////////>;;;
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
Just put on some latex that I might wear for at least the next 12 hours. I'm even gonna have to clean my floor in this because I spilled some lube while slicking up my legs to put this on. >//////>;;;
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
It has taken me WAY way too long to discover the unreasonably good combination of silicone lube and a microfiber cloth for slicking up dry latex. ð
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexfur #rubberfur #latexlifestyle
ðĪ Who wants me in their hotel room? ðĪ
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle #bondage
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle #bondage
Pump, pump...
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle #bondage
#latex #rubber #rubberdoll #rubberslave #latexlifestyle #bondage
If you've noticed that, after a few hours, the sweat that leaks out is cloudy, that's all dead skin!
Do your (human) skin a HUGE favor after sloughing off that latex in the shower, & EXFOLIATE.
I'm STILL itching after getting out of the shower after a 39 hour session (my own personal best so far!) but it's not going to persist for anywhere near as long as it has in the past when I've spent long sessions in skin-tight latex previously.
#latex #rubber #latexfetish #rubberfetish #latexlifestyle