To all my #Colonial, #LatinAmericanist and #EarlyModernist #IberianStudies colleagues:
I’d like to call your attention to a group that may be of your interest. I created the @earlymodernmaritimestudies a few months ago with those of you whose work touches on the #Sea, on #PortCities, #CoastalAreas, #SlaveryArchive and related topics, in mind. our definition of "Early Modern" is expansive. If this group fits with your research program, please check us out and follow!
#colonial #LatinAmericanist #earlymodernist #IberianStudies #sea #PortCities #coastalareas #slaveryarchive #latinamericanstudies #earlymodernSpain
CFP for the VII ICALLAS (International #Conference on #AfroHispanic, Luso-#Brazilian, and #LatinAmericanStudies)
#conference #afrohispanic #brazilian #latinamericanstudies
CFP for the VII ICALLAS (International #Conference on #AfroHispanic, Luso-#Brazilian, and #LatinAmericanStudies)
#conference #afrohispanic #brazilian #latinamericanstudies
I guess it is time for my #Introduction :
Hello beautiful people! I'm Enrique. I'm a #Dreamer (a proud #Undocumented New Yorker), a #CUNY student #activist , doing my Master's in #UrbanAffairs at #QueensCollege where I also did my BA with a triple major in #PoliticalScience , #UrbanStudies and #LatinAmericanStudies. I'm an advocate for #PublicEducation , #HigherEd , #immigration , and just about anything progressive.
As an expert on migration, I'm happy to gradually migrate here from Twitter. 🤣
#immigration #highered #publiceducation #latinamericanstudies #urbanstudies #politicalscience #queenscollege #urbanaffairs #activist #cuny #undocumented #dreamer #Introduction
Excited to be joining #TheUniversityOfManchester as a #MarieCurie Postdoctoral Fellow - these last few days were a nice start!
My project examines the #anticolonial and #queerfeminist potential of #LatinAmerican and #Latinx #comics.
Equally happy to continue working with my #EXC colleagues at #FreieUniversitätBerlin as an associated member!
#theuniversityofmanchester #mariecurie #anticolonial #queerfeminist #LatinAmerican #latinx #comics #exc #freieuniversitatberlin #latinamericanstudies #LatinxStudies
Acaba de salir la Revista Hispánica Moderna (75.2. December 2022).
Incluye una reseña de un servidor sobre Popular Political Participation and the Democratic Imagination in Spain: From Crowd to People, 1766–1868 de Pablo Sánchez León.
#iberianstudies #latinamericanstudies #spain #history
With thanks to @heidibackes1)
Now that even more people are joining, I'd like to again share my hope of connecting with people in:
If you're in these fields, please comment so we can start a thread of people to follow! (And please boost to keep this going!)
#IberianHistodons #IberianStudies #latinamericanstudies #spanish #peninsularstudies #sPAIN
Now that even more people are joining, I'd like to again share my hope of connecting with people in:
If you're in these fields, please comment so we can start a thread of people to follow! (And please boost to keep this going!) 😁
#sPAIN #peninsularstudies #spanish #latinamericanstudies
I did my PhD in #LatinAmericanStudies at the Centre for Research on Cuba in Nottingham, doing a study of cultural memory among Cuban-Americans in Miami.
My post doc work is a sort of control study of the theoretical and methodological framework that I built during the PhD.