We had a fantastic roundtable! #SPSA2023 #Latinxs #2022Elections
#spsa2023 #latinxs #2022Elections
In the #Latinxs and the #2022elections roundtable we hear from Gabi Vitela revealing that a significant number of Blacks and Latinxs believe that #voterfraud exists
#latinxs #2022Elections #voterfraud
So excited for our #Latinxs and the #2022Elections #SPSA2023 roundtable. Join us in the Banyan Room!
#latinxs #2022Elections #spsa2023
I’m ready for #SPSA2023! Join us tomorrow, Thursday, at 930am for the #Latinxs and the #2022Elections roundtable featuring work by Natasha Altema, Gabriel Sanchez, Liz Lebron, Gabi Vitela and Matt Barreto.
#spsa2023 #latinxs #2022Elections
🗣️🗣️Attention @politicalscience: If you’re attending the #SPSA2023 meeting next month, I invite you to attend the #Latinxs and the #2022Elections roundtable featuring work by Natasha Altema, Gabriel Sanchez, Liz Lebron, Gabi Vitela and Matt Barreto. Check out the program here (featured on page 15): https://spsa.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/spsa2023preliminaryprogramv4.pdf
#spsa2023 #latinxs #2022Elections
https://www.wfdd.org/tags/latinos Still beaming from the #ArgentinaVsNetherlands win. Here I highlight what #soccer means for many #Latinxs in the US. #wfdd #worldcup
#argentinavsnetherlands #soccer #latinxs #wfdd #worldcup
12 Salsa y control https://www.arkiwi.org/path64/cmFkaW9zcG9yZS9UaW5hbGEvVGluYWxhIDEyIFNhbHNhIHkgY29udHJvbC5vZ2c/html #nuyoricans #PortoRico #NewYork #latinxs #salsa #mambo #Cuba #son
#son #cuba #mambo #salsa #latinxs #newyork #portorico #nuyoricans