#latte23, our little workshop about languages & compilers & such for accelerator design, happens tomorrow!! And you can tune in remotely; just register here: https://cornell.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIufuquqzIiGNyivdgczgz21TbRiBGjqTEW
Look at this rad program! https://capra.cs.cornell.edu/latte23/ Among other illustrious guests, we have Julian Kemmerer’s @pipelinec & @thezoq2 on Spade. Hell yes!
Reminder folks, this Sunday March 26th PipelineC will be presented as part of the free to attend virtually LATTE 23 Workshop on Languages, Tools, and Techniques for Accelerator Design. Check out this teaser video to spark discussions:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDYx7VfJ78o #hdl #asic #fpga #hls #hardware #latte23
#hdl #asic #fpga #HLS #hardware #latte23