Vorfreude!!! #laudekitarrn
»Friday Film Special is a single from #GoGoPenguin 's album, Everything Is Going to Be OK. This single was inspired by a sense of nostalgia for the 80s and memories of the Friday Film Specials made by the Children's Film Foundation and broadcast by the BBC every Friday night.«
So ein Zirkus: Le P’tit Cirk im Winterfest 2022 Salzburg.
🎪 https://www.leptitcirk.fr/spectacles/les-dodos-2
#laudekitarrn #circus #eventphotography #eventfotografie
🎶 Mira Lu Kovacs, Clemens Wenger: „Sad Songs To Cry To” @ ARGEkultur Salzburg
ℹ️ https://www.argekultur.at/Event/16434/mira-lu-kovacs-clemens-wenger
#konzert #musik #concertphotography #livemusicphotography #laudekitarrn #argekultur
#ARGEKultur #laudekitarrn #livemusicphotography #concertphotography #musik #konzert