Well, they can't all be winners, can they? 📸
#Photoshoot #Classic
#Casual #Luminescent
#Vibrance #Lauderhill
#lauderhill #vibrance #luminescent #casual #classic #photoshoot
Rigid livelihood 🐘🪵
#Elephant #Wooden
#Carving #Lauderhill
#Picturesque #Mount
#Symbol #Carving
#symbol #mount #picturesque #lauderhill #carving #wooden #elephant
#CAPTCONNIESTANLEYLHPD #GenitalHerpes #OutbreakAlert #LAUDERHILL Danger! CAPT. CONNIE STANLEY L.H.P.D. - LAUDERHILL, Florida https://stdcarriers.com/registry/bio/1537-capt.connie-stanleyl.h.p.d.-genitalherpes.aspx?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#CAPTCONNIESTANLEYLHPD #GenitalHerpes #OutbreakAlert #lauderhill
I first lived here, in #Miami, starting in 1965, just before #Hurricane #Betsy hit (second grade).
In 1970, we moved to #PuertoRico and in 1973 returned to live in #Lauderhill.
I joined the #USNavy in 1976, and returned in 1980 to live in various cities across Broward County, with a break to attend #FloridaStateUniversity in #Tallahassee.
In 1993, I moved back to #WashingtonDC, and returned to Florida (#Sunrise) in 2017.
I've lived half my life in Florida. It's always been weird as fuck.
#sunrise #WashingtonDC #tallahassee #floridastateuniversity #usnavy #lauderhill #puertorico #betsy #hurricane #miami