So much better than trying to remember which washing symbol is which.
#laughoftheday #washinginstructions #washing
Just limbering up.
#AnnaPavlova #SirJohnLavery #Painting #ClassicalPainting #InterpretiveDance #LaughOfTheDay
#laughoftheday #interpretivedance #classicalpainting #painting #sirjohnlavery #annapavlova
One of life's eternal mysteries.
Taking the day off from all but the essentials.
#laughoftheday #sundaydrinks #longweek
It took three attempts but I smudged out the naughty word. Just keeping you all safe from the horrors of accurate language.
#SittingInTheRain #IQuit #LongDay #BarelyLunchtime #TheHorrorsOfAccurateLanguage #LaughOfTheDay
#laughoftheday #thehorrorsofaccuratelanguage #barelylunchtime #longday #iquit #sittingintherain
All my buddies who have beards: I'm pretty sure you think that if you ever shave you'll wind up looking about twelve years old, but it turns out beards are great for hydrating the skin, and by holding the moisture in a beard keeps you looking young.
Also, if you have a beard, you can do this...
#Beards #Metal #Hydration #PublicServiceAnnouncement #LaughOfTheDay
#laughoftheday #publicserviceannouncement #hydration #metal #beards
I laughed way too hard at this.
Love this 😍. Stolen from a friend. Credit in pic.
#Gardening #Raining #Summer #Weather #LeafBeGone #LaughOfTheDay
#laughoftheday #leafbegone #weather #summer #raining #gardening
Stolen from a friend.
#FunnyArt #ThornInYourSide #LetsGoAlready #LetMeIrritareYou #YouKnowWhoYouAre #LaughOfTheDay
#laughoftheday #youknowwhoyouare #letmeirritareyou #letsgoalready #thorninyourside #funnyart
I've never been much bothered about action/war films. Now I know what's been missing.
#FilmBuff #GhillieSuit #GooglyEyes #LaughOfTheDay #IWantThis #OscarTheGrouch
#oscarthegrouch #iwantthis #laughoftheday #googlyeyes #ghilliesuit #filmBuff
I laughed way too hard at this. Worried for my soul.