Documental en la cadena británica Channel 4 sobre el último vuelo de #LauncherOne de #VirginOrbit donde sale el video que grabé desde mi estación de bólidos durante la reentrada fallida de la 2ª etapa
Bankruptcy Sale Scatters Virgin Orbit to the Winds #commercialspace #LauncherOne #VirginOrbit #SmallSat #Space #News
#commercialspace #launcherone #virginorbit #smallsat #space #News
Bankruptcy Sale Scatters Virgin Orbit to the Winds - When Virgin Orbit filed for bankruptcy in April, it was clear the commercial launc... - #commercialspace #launcherone #virginorbit #smallsat #space #news
#news #space #smallsat #virginorbit #launcherone #commercialspace
RT @VirginOrbit
Cosmic Girl takes to the sky! In a Monday evening launch rehearsal, #LauncherOne’s carrier aircraft took off from Long Beach Airport for a touch pass to say a quick hello to Mojave Air and Space Port and then a simulated rocket release maneuver over the Pacific.
Hmm...I'm not sure the old leadership can keep VO going for long, but who knows...
RT @VirginOrbit
Our CEO Dan Hart gathered the team last week at the factory in Long Beach to discuss our go forward plan focused on getting #LauncherOne back to orbit. Learn more about the factory behind our technology:
Virgin Orbit Pauses Operations, Seeks Funding #commercialspace #VirginGalactic #lowearthorbit #LauncherOne #VirginOrbit #SmallSat #Space #News
#commercialspace #virgingalactic #lowearthorbit #launcherone #virginorbit #smallsat #space #News
Virgin Orbit Pauses Operations, Seeks Funding - It looks as though things may have gone from bad to worse at Virgin Orbit, the sat... - #commercialspace #virgingalactic #lowearthorbit #launcherone #virginorbit #smallsat #space #news
#news #space #smallsat #virginorbit #launcherone #lowearthorbit #virgingalactic #commercialspace
Documento. Launcher One – Start Me Up Launch Guide
#launcherone #launchpresskit #virgin
"Virgin Orbit update on UK mission anomaly" by #VirginOrbit - January 9 #LauncherOne rocket launch failure investigation focusing on 2nd stage fuel line which was or became detached #NewSpace #aviation #avgeek
#avgeek #aviation #newspace #launcherone #virginorbit
#VirginOrbit #LauncherOne failure : “Everything points to a filter that was clearly there when we assembled the rocket but was not there as the second stage engine started, meaning it was dislodged and caused mischief downstream.This is like a $100 part that took us out.”
The REENTRY of the #LauncherOne rocket from the failed "Start me Up" launch was recorded from Lanzarotte by Ramón López last night, around 23:20 UTC (00:20 CET):
"At an altitude of approximately 180 km, the upper stage experienced an anomaly. This anomaly prematurely ended the first burn of the upper stage. This event ended the mission." This doesn't really tell us anything new does it? 🤷♂️
#VirginOrbit #LauncherOne #StartMeUp
#virginorbit #launcherone #StartMeUp
Anfang der Woche scheiterte #VirginOrbit mit dem jüngsten #LauncherOne-Start. Wirtschaftlich ist das womöglich der letzte Sargnagel gewesen.,133984.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Virgin Orbit: Nach gescheitertem Raketenstart offenbar mit großen Geldproblemen
Der erste kommerzielle Raketenstart von Westeuropa aus, ist in der Nacht zu Dienstag gescheitert. Für Virgin Orbit könnte das drastische Folgen haben.
#CosmicGirl #Großbritannien #LauncherOne #Raumfahrt #VirginOrbit #News
#CosmicGirl #großbritannien #launcherone #raumfahrt #virginorbit #news
Why does the press have to be so negative about #LauncherOne anomaly? It happens. How about boosting the moral of the people who've worked hard on it and having pride that we now have a space center in the UK?
El Centro Espacial de Canarias detecta la última señal del cohete perdido de Virgin Orbit
«"Recibimos la señal a las 23:16 horas UTC y a las 23:18:44 se perdió la comunicación", dijo el responsable de operaciones, que añadió que la señal fue detectada por una de las antenas más grande que tiene el centro espacial, de 15 metros de superficie».
Eerste lancering vanuit Engeland mislukt
De allereerste orbitale missie die vanuit het Verenigd Koninkrijk werd gelanceerd is niet volgens plan verlopen. Die lancering, de “Start Me Up”-missie van Virgin Orbit ging goed van start. Het vliegtuig dat de raket droeg, Cosmic Girl geheten, vertrek volgens schema op maandag 23:02 uur Nederlandse tijd vanaf Spaceport Cornwall.
#VirginOrbit #launcherone #cosmicgirl #ruimtevaart
@nonsequitur so when do you expect the #LauncherOne debris to arrive in #Ireland from #Lanzarote ?
#launcherone #ireland #lanzarote
The reentry of the #LauncherOne from #VirginOrbit's #Cornwall lauch was recorded by a meteor camera on Lanzarote: the analysis now demonstrates that the rocket's second stage had burned for a while but not enough to lift it and the nine satellites into orbit. From Virgin there is only the statement so far, perhaps the video helps in finding the cause of the stage's failure.
#cornwall #VirginOrbit #launcherone
Well, based on other people's comments elsewhere, I've reviewed the webcast for the #LauncherOne #StartMeUp failure. And I noticed a fatal bug on the telemetry screen.
@VirginOrbit has generously provided data on fuel amount, line pressure, voltage etc. & sth fishy does show up.