A launch gone wrong, now
Musk and Zuckerberg are foes
Sadness in the stars
#spacex #musk #zuckerberg #launchfailure #haiku #poetry
"Rocket Carrying NASA Astronaut's Cremated Remains Blows Up After Launch" by @gizmodo / @RabiePassant - #LaunchFailure by UP Aerospace from New Mexico Spaceport - suborbital solid rocket broke up before reaching space; payloads parachuted intact https://gizmodo.com/rocket-nasa-astronaut-cremated-remains-destroyed-1850394994 #NewSpace
Nowadays one would expect human-rating (the reliability and life-preserving failure modes for a crew-rated launch vehicle) to be designed into a launch vehicle from the start not tacked on later.
#RapidUnscheduledDisassembly aka #LaunchFailure
#MarketingBollocks #NewSpeak
#newspeak #marketingbollocks #launchfailure #rapidunscheduleddisassembly #starship
Breaking: Launch failure of Japan's first H3 rocket - 2nd stage ignition failure
Self-destruct command given
NHK (7 Feb 2023 10:57 JST)
#JAXA #H3 #LaunchFailure