Nieman Lab is expanding! Come work with us #2023_09_05 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #hiring
#2023_09_05 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #hiring
Pop-ups for prestige TV, paywalls, and other excitement at CNN #2023_08_31 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #cnn
#2023_08_31 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #cnn
The Daily Tar Heel’s shooting coverage is just the latest example of college newspapers taking on a local reporting role #2023_08_30 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #center_for_community_news #college_newspapers #daily_tar_heel #richard_watkins #student_journalism #university_of_north_carolina
#2023_08_30 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #center_for_community_news #college_newspapers #daily_tar_heel #richard_watkins #student_journalism #university_of_north_carolina
The BBC launches its own Mastodon server #2023_08_03 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #bbc #mastodon #medium
#2023_08_03 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #bbc #mastodon #medium
Worldwide, online news is looking a lot more like TikTok and a lot less like “shared articles” #2023_06_13 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #digital_news_report_2023 #reuters_institute_for_the_study
#2023_06_13 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #digital_news_report_2023 #reuters_institute_for_the_study
“The news feeds do not sag”: A look at Ukraine’s local news landscape, more than a year into the war #2023_06_06 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #local_news #media_development_foundation #ukraine
#2023_06_06 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #local_news #media_development_foundation #ukraine
Gannett journalists across the U.S. will strike on June 5 #2023_06_01 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #gannett #newsguild #strike
#2023_06_01 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #gannett #newsguild #strike
“A stately pleasure barge of a site”: For people who miss websites, there’s a new blog in town #2023_05_03 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #blogs #daniel_lavery #jo_livingstone #the_stopgap #the_toast
#2023_05_03 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #blogs #daniel_lavery #jo_livingstone #the_stopgap #the_toast
Behold: News outlets’ first skeets #2023_05_02 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #bluesky #skeets #twitter
#2023_05_02 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #bluesky #skeets #twitter
A history of BuzzFeed News, Part II: 2017–2023 #2023_04_21 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #ben_smith #buzzfeed #facebook #jonah_peretti
#2023_04_21 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #ben_smith #buzzfeed #facebook #jonah_peretti
A history of BuzzFeed News, Part I: 2011–2017 #2023_04_20 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #ben_smith #buzzfeed #jonah_peretti
#2023_04_20 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #ben_smith #buzzfeed #jonah_peretti
NPR may be “going silent” on Twitter, but it’s keeping its 17.6 million followers on ice #2023_04_13 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #john_lansing #npr #twitter
#2023_04_13 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #john_lansing #npr #twitter
“Article gifting” proves surprisingly successful for Hearst Newspapers #2023_04_06 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #gift_links #hearts_newspapers #ryan_nakashima
#2023_04_06 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #gift_links #hearts_newspapers #ryan_nakashima
Men dominate sports and government reporting; health and education reporters more likely to be women, Pew finds #2023_04_04 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post
#2023_04_04 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post
A former Protocol editor buys part of the company’s email list to launch something new #2023_04_04 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #politico #protocol #runtime #tom_krazit
#2023_04_04 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #politico #protocol #runtime #tom_krazit
Are BuzzFeed’s AI-generated travel articles bad in a scary new way — or a familiar old way? #2023_03_30 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #ai #buzzfeed #buzzy #content_generation
#2023_03_30 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #ai #buzzfeed #buzzy #content_generation
News now makes up less than 3% of what people see on Facebook #2023_04_03 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #facebook #meta
#2023_04_03 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #link_post #facebook #meta
A forthcoming news site absorbs Grid (and gets some Middle Eastern funding, too) #2023_03_22 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #grid #the_messenger
#2023_03_22 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #grid #the_messenger
Hey, local news publishers: Give the people a calendar #2023_03_21 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #center_for_cooperative_media #new_jersey #paterson_hub #ridge_view_echo #sarah_stonbely
#2023_03_21 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #center_for_cooperative_media #new_jersey #paterson_hub #ridge_view_echo #sarah_stonbely
Goodbye, newspapers on Kindle: Amazon stops selling newspaper and magazine subscriptions #2023_03_16 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #amazon #kindle #magazines #new_york_times #newspapers
#2023_03_16 #nieman_lab #laura_hazard_owen #featured_art #regular_post #amazon #kindle #magazines #new_york_times #newspapers