If you need 12 minutes of pure fun and joy, this collaboration by #SimoneGiertz and #LauraKampf is what you want:
@sora5084 @deviantollam
Is that the same WDR Maus that sometimes has #LauraKampf making/hacking things?
How to add your own #brand (or just name) to #DIY things you make: #LauraKampf show us 4 almost easy tricks.
Uhm… some are even good to label #electronic panels.
#electronic #laurakampf #diy #brand
A #LauraKampf video: #Tool #Cart with #recycled #plastic #crates (#Workshop #Organization)
In Italy we can find similar crates for free (they are even happy if we bring them away!) near the greengrocers, elsewhere I don't know.
But wait… there is more!
#organization #workshop #crates #plastic #recycled #cart #tool #laurakampf #diy
Every video looks like so much work has gone into it!
Also worth a few views:
#bigclive (taking dodgy electronics apart, so you don't have to)
#BeckyStern (teardowns and stitchups)
#HughJeffreys (voiding warranties on flagship phones)
#SteveMould (stuff you didn't know you wanted to know about)
#RoseAnvil (cutting footwear in half, so you don't have to)
#UsagiElectric (fixing obscure computers)
#bigclive #beckystern #hughjeffreys #franblanche #stevemould #laurakampf #roseanvil #usagielectric #windytan
In der ARD-Mediathek gibt es gerade die sehr empfehlenswerte Reihe „Pixelparty“ zu sehen 📺. Watch this 👉 https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/pixelparty/staffel-1/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9zZW5kZXJlaWhlbi9mZWY5NzRkYy0wNjczLTRiNTYtODllNC01ODgyYzI0NDY0OGM/1 mit @Nilzenburger und #laurakampf
@mzeecedric bis eben hab ich nicht gewusst, dass #LauraKampf außerhalb der Sendung mit der Maus auch noch Youtuberin ist :)
Zur Entspannung am Abend schau ich ja auch mal gerne anderen beim arbeiten zu… https://youtu.be/twD2IGor6NU (yt channels die man über die Sendung mit der Maus entdeckt, #LauraKampf )