ARC's RMS site is down. No maintenance was scheduled.
Great stuff for those submitting Mid-career Industry Fellowships #IM24 proposals, due today.
Maybe connected to opening of #LaureateFellowships #FL24 today?
#im24 #laureatefellowships #fl24
#ARCschedule Aug23
#DECRA #DE24 outcomes *might* be early, mid-to-late Aug.
Other events:
🔹#LaureateFellowships open…but not on Grants Calendar yet🤪
🔹Mid-Career #IndustryFellowships close & Laureates open.
🔹#LIEF #LE24 selection meeting.
#arcschedule #decra #de24 #laureatefellowships #industryfellowships #lief #le24
#LaureateFellowships NIT-picking has started (a few days ago).
ARC has requested edits to National Interest Test statements for #FL23 (Laureate) proposals.
Not getting picked *doesn't* mean "not funded" & getting picked means it's more likely you'll be funded, but not certain.
#ARCschedule Apr23
Outcomes for mid-career #IndustryFellowships expected 24Apr–8May.
Other events highlighted👇:
🔹Rejoinders: #DECRA #DE24 close 13Apr
🔹Selection meetings: #LaureateFellowships #FL24 (12+13Apr)
#arcschedule #industryfellowships #decra #de24 #laureatefellowships #fl24