[T]rust me, Yorick, When to gratify a private appetite, it is once resolved upon, that an innocent and an helpless creature shall be sacrificed, 'tis an easy matter to pick up sticks enew from any thicket where it has strayed, to make a fire to offer it up with.
--Laurence Sterne, Tristram Shandy. Ed. Howard Anderson. New York: Norton, 1980. 20. #QuoteOfTheDay #Bookstodon #LaurenceSterne
#quoteoftheday #bookstodon #laurencesterne
"The portrait of Sancho is a rare depiction of an African in eighteenth-century Europe shown not as an enslaved person, servant or caricature, but as a gentleman...[H]e became famous for his correspondence with the author Laurence Sterne and for the grocers that he ran in Westminster. He was the first African to receive an obituary in the British press."
#exhibition #history #portrait #18thcentury #IgnatiusSancho #ThomasGainsborough #LaurenceSterne #GainsboroughsHouse
#gainsboroughshouse #laurencesterne #thomasgainsborough #ignatiussancho #18thcentury #Portrait #History #exhibition
‘The motly emblem of my work.’ Colourful marbled page from the first edition of Laurence Sterne’s The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (1759–67) — these were unique in each copy, representing the element of chance in Sterne’s narrative project. #LaurenceSterne #TristramShandy #books #publishing
#laurencesterne #TristramShandy #books #publishing
‘The motly emblem of my work.’ Colourful marbled page from the first edition of Laurence Sterne’s The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy (1759–67) — theses were unique in each copy, representing the element of chance in Sterne’s narrative project. #LaurenceSterne #TristramShandy #books #publishing
#laurencesterne #TristramShandy #books #publishing
Laurence Sterne, born #OnThisDay 1713. 309 years old, and still going strong, inspiring artists and writers of all disciplines to create new work. Here are some that The Laurence Sterne Trust has worked with: https://www.laurencesternetrust.org.uk/what-we-do/artists-and-writers/ #OTD #LaurenceSterne #ShandyHall
#onthisday #otd #laurencesterne #shandyhall
"If Sterne has had any one great master in his eye—it was Swift, his countryman—the first wit of this or any other nation;—but there is this grand difference between them—Swift excels in grave-faced irony—whilst Sterne lashes his whips with jolly laughter."
The verdict of #IgnatiusSancho.
Sancho corresponded with #LaurenceSterne from 1766. The publication of the letters after Sterne's death made Sancho famous.
#ignatiussancho #laurencesterne #HOPWAG
#LaurenceSterne (along with the likes of #IrisMurdoch) disprove the notion there's no such thing as a philosophical novel in English. "Tristram Shandy" plays with the philosophical ideas of Locke.
And more, as the exploration/adaptation of "Tristram Shandy", "A cock and bull story" suggests (1:24) https://youtu.be/wXzuUJZuqUI
Two podcasts on the topic, one from #ABC Radio: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/philosopherszone/the-philosophy-in-tristram-shandy/3329516
and one from BBCInOurTime https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0418phf
#laurencesterne #irismurdoch #abc #irishphilosophy
#LaurenceSterne was born #OTD 24 Nov 1713 in #Clonmel, Co. #Tipperary. A clergyman, he is best known for his writing, including sermons, memoirs and his novels: "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" and "A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy" https://dib.ie/biography/sterne-laurence-a8285
#laurencesterne #otd #Clonmel #tipperary #irishphilosophy #IrishPhilosophyOTD
Happy birthday to my Diary, #BOTD in 1990 (32 years young). I've only just realised that it shares its birthday with #LaurenceSterne.
Backstory: the extraordinary opening sentence of Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne, born in Clonmel #OTD in 1713 #LaurenceSterne #TristramShandy #books
#otd #laurencesterne #TristramShandy #books
Al bar Pilade, fra bombe e complotti https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/07/04/al-bar-pilade-fra-bombe-e-complotti/ #PierPaoloPasolini #FëdorDostoevskij #AlbertoPrunetti #AleisterCrowley #AlegreEdizioni #LaurenceSterne #MichailBachtin #MichelFoucault #ArthurRimbaud #EdgarAllanPoe #GérardGenette #LutherBlisset #PaulMcCartney #AndreaMiconi #complottismo #MarcoDimitri #Recensioni #UmbertoEco #PaoloLago #Beatles #WuMing1 #WuMing #Qanon
#qanon #wuming #wuming1 #beatles #paololago #umbertoeco #recensioni #marcodimitri #complottismo #AndreaMiconi #paulmccartney #lutherblisset #GérardGenette #edgarallanpoe #ArthurRimbaud #michelfoucault #MichailBachtin #laurencesterne #AlegreEdizioni #aleistercrowley #albertoprunetti #fëdordostoevskij #pierpaolopasolini
Quando i luoghi raccontano le storie, fra Livorno e New York https://www.carmillaonline.com/2021/06/10/quando-i-luoghi-raccontano-le-storie-fra-livorno-e-new-york/ #AlessandroBertante #BernardoBertolucci #IgnacioMatteBlanco #PierPaoloPasolini #EmilianoDominici #FrançoisTruffaut #SilviaAlbertazzi #Jean-LucGodard #LaurenceSterne #CarloCassola #Letteratura #Recensioni #PhilipRoth #PaoloLago #Livorno #NewYork
#newyork #livorno #paololago #philiproth #recensioni #letteratura #CarloCassola #laurencesterne #jean #SilviaAlbertazzi #françoistruffaut #EmilianoDominici #pierpaolopasolini #IgnacioMatteBlanco #bernardobertolucci #alessandrobertante