Finished reading this one last night. A gift from my brother years back, I'd tried and failed to start it twice before I finally got into it. The authorial voice can be tough going, as the writer is rather... pretentious? But once you get past that, it's a brilliant read. Mind-blowing really, particularly reading it in 2023, with fascism on the march all over the place.
#bookstodon #amreading #hhhh #laurentbinet #books
Alternatively #7books
1. Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
2. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
3. Klara and the Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro
4. Wolf Hall - Hilary Mantel
5. Disgrace - JM Coetzee
6. HHhH - Laurent Binet
7. Bad Blood - Lorna Sage
#7books #Dickens #douglasadams #HilaryMantel #JMCoetzee #laurentbinet #lornasage #Ishiguro #KazuoIshiguro
#7books #Dickens #douglasadams #HilaryMantel #JMCoetzee #laurentbinet #lornasage #Ishiguro #KazuoIshiguro