I'm not in the US and so am somewhat removed from what's happening at #WVU. Still, I did my undergrad at a large state institution (UW-Madison) and have been affiliated with public universities in other parts of the world ever since. This passionate and persuasive letter from faculty about the gutting of the university deserves to be widely read - this is happening elsewhere too, as the recent debacle at Canada's #LaurentianUniversity makes clear. Solidarity. #academia
#academia #laurentianuniversity #wvu
Jonathan Migneault, "2 former Laurentian University Professors Want Investigation into Possible Criminal Wrongdoing"
#LaurentianUniversity #academia #AcademicMastodon #onpoli @academicchatter https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/sudbury/laurentian-attorney-general-investigation-1.6769994
#onpoli #academicmastodon #academia #laurentianuniversity
Bienvenu Senga, « D’anciens professeurs de la Laurentienne réclament une enquête sur les ex-dirigeants »
Je suis d'accord !
#LaurentianUniversity #academia #AcademicMastodon #onpoli @academicchatter https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1961130/universite-laurentienne-enquete-procureur-general
#onpoli #academicmastodon #academia #laurentianuniversity
Ontario auditor general gives eye-opening details of Laurentian University's insolvency and the fallout
#education #finances #Canada #laurentianUniversity
#laurentianuniversity #Canada #finances #education
Re: post-secondary education in #Canada: required reading from the #Ontario auditor general on the debacle at Laurentian University, where "a cascade of oversight failures... let misguided management decisions go unchecked for years." The province did not act and admin sought court protection from creditors, throwing students, staff, faculty, and city under the bus.
Full report: https://www.auditor.on.ca/en/content/specialreports/specialreports/LaurentianUniversity_EN.pdf
News release: https://www.auditor.on.ca/en/content/news/specials_newsreleases/newsrelease_LaurentianU_SR_en.pdf
#highered #laurentianuniversity #pse #onpoli #canpol #ontario #Canada
Just... wow. Over and over again. #ONpoli #HigherED #LaurentianUniversity
#onpoli #highered #laurentianuniversity
Today, the #Ontario Auditor General released her report into how #LaurentianUniversity administrators deliberately drove the university into insolvency in February 2021. Instead, every trope of administrative abuse is confirmed.
Their assertion that faculty salaries were an extraordinary burden and closed programs were costly waste: entirely rebutted. A decade of mismanagement, carefully hidden, is starting to be revealed. Read her short report here: https://www.auditor.on.ca/en/content/news/specials_newsreleases/ataglance_LaurentianU_SR-en.pdf
#laurentianuniversity #ontario
Laurentian University’s plan to fix its financial crisis was ‘unsuitable and damaging,’ auditor finds https://bit.ly/3hO78RI #Bankruptcy #onted #LaurentianUniversity #Ontedu #AGO #OntarioAuditor #onpoli
#bankruptcy #onted #laurentianuniversity #ontedu #ago #OntarioAuditor #onpoli