Worth reading: an effective congress member. And the personal cost
(no paywall, gifted article)
Ruby Cramer: A life in Congress: Lauren Underwood learns what it costs: As a single Black woman in the House, the 36-year-old Illinois Democrat tries to balance who she is versus what she does.
#laurenunderwood #uspolitics
I’m a self-styled pragmatic progressive who gets things done and political junkie — not for the horse race, but for action. Some of my heroes include…
#hillaryclinton #tammybaldwin #pattymurrary #kirstengillibrand #KamalaHarris #barneyfrank #maziehirono #jaredpolis #nancypelosi #gretchenwhitmer #patriciatodd #laurenunderwood #sharicedavids #petebuttigieg #lucybaxley #geraldineferraro #annrichards #shirleychisholm #francesperkins #eleanorroosevelt #fdr #waltermondale #patsymink #RBG