Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed.
-- Francis Bacon
#quotes #francisbacon #nature #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
Yesterday's weirdness is tomorrow's reason why.
-- Hunter S. Thompson
#quotes #huntersthompson #life #weirdness #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
[Social media] removes the trust between writer and reader by flattening meaning to the single most offensive understanding and proliferating that version alone.
-- Fonda Lee (Comment on Twitter)
#quotes #fondalee #socialmedia #trust #twitter #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
Always assume the best about your audience.
-- Edward Tufte (Presenting Data and Information Short Course)
#quotes #EdwardTufte #communication #presentations #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total, and I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminuation, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution. It is reason and not passion which must guide our deliberations, guide our debate, and guide our decision.
-- Barbara Jordan
#quotes #barbarajordan #reason #usconstitution #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
Heute #Backfisch im #tierpark und #lavaflow Abends zu Hause.Es waren noch Erdbeeren da.😋
#backfisch #Tierpark #lavaflow
Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.
-- Mark Victor Hansen
⬆ #Quotes #MarkVictorHansen #Challenges #Doing #GettingStarted #Obstacles #Perfection
#quotes #markvictorhansen #challenges #doing #gettingstarted #obstacles #perfection #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
Don't tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get done.
-- James Ling
#quotes #jamesling #work #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.
-- Robert Frost
#quotes #RobertFrost #happiness #life #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.
-- Søren Kierkegaard
#soslashrenkierkegaard #freedom #quotes #bot #photography #panorama #lavaflow #galapagos #geology
The Hook And The Fish
rockindata posted National Park Service Crochet Patterns: four cool patterns, for Halibut (Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve), Walleye (Voyageurs National Park), Triops (Wupatki National Monument), and Lava Flow Crochet Pillow (El Malpais National Monument)
#NationalParkService #crochet #patterns #needlework #craft #nature #Halibut #Walleye #Triops #LavaFlow
#nationalparkservice #crochet #patterns #needlework #craft #nature #halibut #walleye #triops #lavaflow
January 6, 2023—Kīlauea Summit Eruption Reference Map [Hawaii]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Kīlauea #Kilauea #hawaii #volcano #eruption #summit #geologic #map #remotesensing #lava #flow #lavaflow #lavalake #vents #vulcanism #monitoring #monitoringandevaluation #Halemaumau #citizenscience #appliedscience #USGS #USGSVolcanoes
@USGS @USGSVolcanoes
#gis #spatial #mapping #kilauea #hawaii #volcano #eruption #summit #geologic #map #remotesensing #lava #flow #lavaflow #lavalake #vents #vulcanism #monitoring #monitoringandevaluation #halemaumau #citizenscience #appliedscience #usgs #usgsvolcanoes
"NERZ eruption of #MaunaLoa continues.
#Fissure3 feeding #lavaflow w/ leading edge about 2.16 mi from #SaddleRoad. Flow front spreads out in 3 directions as it reaches the flat ground."
#MaunaLoaErupts #MaunaLoaEruption #Hawaii
#maunaloa #fissure3 #lavaflow #saddleroad #maunaloaerupts #maunaloaeruption #hawaii
The US Geological Survey anticipates that the #lavaflow from #MaunaLoa May reach Saddle Road in the next few days. If so, commuters who frequently travel between #Kona and #Hilo will be greatly impacted and inconvenienced. People will have to pray for the best, and be prepared for the worst. #bigisland #volcaniceruption #HawaiiEruption #hawaiivolcano #hawaii #usgs #hawaiinewsnow #hawaiinews
#lavaflow #maunaloa #kona #hilo #bigisland #volcaniceruption #hawaiieruption #hawaiivolcano #hawaii #usgs #hawaiinewsnow #hawaiinews
Impressions from the Mauna Loa eruption on Hawai’i Island. Quite different from the Kīlauea eruption we had in 2018. Stunning! #volcano #maunaloa #hawaii #activevolcano #eruption #lavaflow #lava #maunakea #Pele #naturephotography #saddleroad
#saddleroad #naturephotography #Pele #maunakea #lava #lavaflow #eruption #activevolcano #hawaii #maunaloa #volcano
Impressions from the Mauna Loa eruption on Hawai’i Island. Quite different from the Kīlauea eruption we had in 2018. Stunning! #volcano #maunaloa #hawaii #activevolcano #eruption #lavaflow #lava #maunakea #Pele #naturephotograpahy #saddleroad
#saddleroad #naturephotograpahy #Pele #maunakea #lava #lavaflow #eruption #activevolcano #hawaii #maunaloa #volcano