I am delighted to have been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.
It’s great to see the interdisciplinary approach of the Society and the sheer quality and quantity of its activities.
#fellow #fellowship #history #royalhistorysociety #legalhistory #lawandhistory
#lawandhistory #legalhistory #royalhistorysociety #history #fellowship #fellow
If you teach any of the above, order your inspection copy today. If not, use SANDBERG23 to get a 20% discount.
#law #lawschool #lawstudents #lawstudent #introductiontolaw #criminallaw #contractlaw #constitutionallaw #tort #tortlaw #contract #constitution #property #propertylaw #landlaw #trusts #trustslaw #equity #equityandtrusts #commonlaw #legalhistory #lawandhistory #historyoflaw
#historyoflaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #commonlaw #equityandtrusts #equity #trustslaw #trusts #landlaw #propertylaw #property #constitution #contract #tortlaw #Tort #constitutionallaw #contractlaw #criminallaw #introductiontolaw #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschool #law
I’ve taken the opportunity to express some words of thanks especially to those who taught me legal history. This includes those who have taught the Legal History module with me as well as all those Cardiff University law students and now graduates who have studied the module and who have been subjected to and given feedback on many of the chapters in this book! Thank you all!
#newbook #published #law #lawschool #lawstudents #lawstudent #legaleducation #legalhistory #lawandhistory #commonlaw
#commonlaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschool #law #published #newbook
#law #university #lawstudent #lawstudents #legaleducation #commonlaw #history #legalhistory #historyoflaw #englishlaw #lawandhistory #constitution #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #criminallaw #criminal #contracts #contractlaw #tort #tortlaw #labourlaw #propertylaw #property #land #landlaw #equity #trusts #trustsandwills #trustsandestates #equityandtrusts #anglosaxon #norman #medieval #plantagenet #magnacarta #blackdeath #tudors #stuarts #themanoflaw
#themanoflaw #stuarts #tudors #blackdeath #magnacarta #plantagenet #medieval #norman #anglosaxon #equityandtrusts #trustsandestates #trustsandwills #trusts #equity #landlaw #land #property #propertylaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contractlaw #contracts #criminal #criminallaw #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #constitution #lawandhistory #englishlaw #historyoflaw #legalhistory #history #commonlaw #legaleducation #lawstudents #lawstudent #university #law
#law #lawstudents #lawstudent #legaleducation #introductiontolaw #studyinglaw #lawschool #lawschools #llb #sqe #history #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawandhistory #publiclaw #constitutionallaw #administrativelaw #propertylaw #landlaw #contractlaw #contracts #tort #tortlaw #labourlaw #criminallaw
#criminallaw #labourlaw #tortlaw #Tort #contracts #contractlaw #landlaw #propertylaw #administrativelaw #constitutionallaw #publiclaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #historyoflaw #history #sqe #llb #lawschools #lawschool #studyinglaw #introductiontolaw #legaleducation #lawstudent #lawstudents #law
The full Table of Contents for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’ (Cambridge University Press, 2023) is now available: https://assets.cambridge.org/97811070/90583/toc/9781107090583_toc.pdf
Preorder today and get 20% off with code SANDBERG23: https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
#law #university #introductiontolaw #legal #legaleducation #history #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #legalhistory #commonlaw #newbook #preorder #preordernow
#preordernow #preorder #newbook #commonlaw #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #legaleducation #legal #introductiontolaw #university #law
New flyer for ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’, coming soon from Cambridge University Press.
Preorder now and get 20% off with the code SANDBERG23
#law #commonlaw #englishlaw #lawyer #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #book #newbook #preorder #textbook #legaleducation
#legaleducation #textbook #preorder #newbook #book #legalhistory #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawyer #englishlaw #commonlaw #law
Excited to return the final corrections to the proofs of my forthcoming textbook, ‘A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law’, being published by Cambridge University Press this Spring. I have been working on this (on and off) for the last decade! https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/law/legal-history/historical-introduction-english-law-genesis-common-law?format=PB
#law #university #legaleducation #lawstudents #lawstudent #history #lawandhistory #legalhistory #genesisofthecommonlaw
#genesisofthecommonlaw #legalhistory #lawandhistory #history #lawstudent #lawstudents #legaleducation #university #law
With ‘Subversive Legal History’ now out in paperback (https://www.routledge.com/Subversive-Legal-History-A-Manifesto-for-the-Future-of-Legal-Education/Sandberg/p/book/9780367191290#), why not revisit my essay for Canopy Forum that introduces some of the book’s main arguments?
Have a read at: https://canopyforum.org/2022/01/14/why-the-history-of-english-law-has-been-neglected/
#legal #historian #law #lawstudent #lawstudents #legaleducation #lawschool #lawschools #legalhistory #lawandhistory #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #lawandhistory #legalhistory #lawschools #lawschool #legaleducation #lawstudents #lawstudent #law #historian #legal
We are having our first law & history workshop of the quarter featuring SCLH ‘22 Graduate Student Paper Prize winner Tanner Allread!
Jan 24th at 12:45pm in person at SLS AND Zoom!
RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIc0VH5o9Tl9pVcgfq17SQuwveua9fL-zUR1u2D1IlgY4yCw/viewform
#law #history #legalhistory #histodon #lawandhistory #workshops #stanfordlaw
#law #history #legalhistory #histodon #lawandhistory #workshops #stanfordlaw
RT @StanfordLawHist@twitter.com
We are 10 days away from the deadline! Plenty of time to put together an abstract and cv for our Graduate Student Paper Prize!
#twitterstorians #lawandhistory #lawandsociety #legalhistory #law https://twitter.com/StanfordLawHist/status/1606162349252956161
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/StanfordLawHist/status/1612883516949422081
#twitterstorians #lawandhistory #lawandsociety #legalhistory #law
#law #education #legal #history #lawschool #lawschools #lawschoollife #students #lawstudents #legaleducation #legalhistory #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #legalhistory #legaleducation #lawstudents #students #lawschoollife #lawschools #lawschool #history #legal #education #law
Delighted to receive my paperback copies of ‘Subversive Legal History: A Manifesto for the Future of Legal Education’ from Routledge. The official release date is Monday 9th January and copies can be preordered from https://www.routledge.com/Subversive-Legal-History-A-Manifesto-for-the-Future-of-Legal-Education/Sandberg/p/book/9780367191290#
#law #legaleducation #legalhistory #legal #education #history #subversivelegalhistory #lawandhistory #historyoflaw
#historyoflaw #lawandhistory #subversivelegalhistory #history #education #legal #legalhistory #legaleducation #law
In 2023, meet the Man of Law and discover the formative events in the development of the common law in this new introductory textbook that provides a prequel to what is studied on law degrees and the SQE.
Preorder from Cambridge University Press: https://www.cambridge.org/highereducation/books/a-historical-introduction-to-english-law/B058B16EDA67ED66745DB7EDFF5B96C2#overview
#law #university #lawstudents #lawstudent #lawschool #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #commonlaw
#commonlaw #history #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawschool #lawstudent #lawstudents #university #law
‘Everything law students think they know is a lie’.
Find out why legal history should be at the beating heart of what Law Schools do.
You can now preorder the paperback edition of ‘Subversive Legal History: A Manifesto for the Future of Legal Education’: https://www.routledge.com/Subversive-Legal-History-A-Manifesto-for-the-Future-of-Legal-Education/Sandberg/p/book/9780367191290#
#law #education #legaleducation #lawschool #lawschools #lawstudents #lawstudent #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #history #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschools #lawschool #legaleducation #education #law
Everything law students think they know is a lie’.
Find out why legal history should be at the beating heart of what Law Schools do.
You can now preorder the paperback edition of ‘Subversive Legal History: A Manifesto for the Future of Legal Education’: https://www.routledge.com/Subversive-Legal-History-A-Manifesto-for-the-Future-of-Legal-Education/Sandberg/p/book/9780367191290#
#law #education #legaleducation #lawschool #lawschools #lawstudents #lawstudent #legalhistory #historyoflaw #lawandhistory #history #subversivelegalhistory
#subversivelegalhistory #history #lawandhistory #historyoflaw #legalhistory #lawstudent #lawstudents #lawschools #lawschool #legaleducation #education #law
Hello, so I think you are supposed to do an #introduction post...here goes
I'm Aoife I'm a #LawProfs Prof at Queen's University Belfast, School of Law where I do #international law #legalfeminism #lawandhumanities #lawandhistory #feminism #legaltheory #feministconstitutionalism
I'm generally from #IrishTwitter, #AcademicTwitter, #LawTwitter #corktwitter
I like Cork, films, books, the craic and knowing top facts
#introduction #lawprofs #international #legalfeminism #lawandhumanities #lawandhistory #feminism #legaltheory #feministconstitutionalism #irishtwitter #academictwitter #lawtwitter #corktwitter